Merry Christmas Planet Cricket!



Christmas is almost here :banana2

What are your family traditions/ what are you getting for Christmas this year?


I normally fly down to Houston for every Christmas to spend it with my mum. Also am getting a digital camera and HDTV this Xmas :)
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I'll be going up the North of the state to be with grandparents for it. But it's gonna be cool because I'll be having 2 christmas' because a few days before I'll be meeting up with all the family from down south.
Not got too much planned yet, will probably spend x-mas day with the family, and I think I'm working boxing day, so that pretty much means I won't be drinking :p Still haven't really made an effort to buy x-mas presents, I've got one of my sisters but the rest of my family are still yet to be bought.

Reckon it might be time to bring out the Pilker's x-mas avatar again =]
Will spent Christmas Day with the family, and we`ll all go to the Boxing Day Test Match. Family tradition :p
Sounds like an awesome tradition!

We don't do much usually. We put up a tree, decorate it and put some lights out in the yard. Other than that, enjoy the time off.

Winterbreak is usually just a study break as we have final exams right after the holidays (fail.) Sometimes we'll head down to Chicago and hit up downtown with my aunt and uncle.

I'm also looking forward to volunteering at the Cancer Center in my local hospital. Gives me great sense of fulfillment to simply talk and give company to those who have no one else on Christmas day.
Just spent all of last weekend puttin up lights in the trees and on the roof (20 foot ladder in the freezing cold snow). Lights worked wonderfully until this morning when there was a power surge and they got fried since they were plugged outside and not in a surge protector :facepalm

Long story short, we have decided not to put lights this year :laugh not going through that hassle again
Bahaha, I love that the Texans got dumped on early with snow this year. Finally they aren't complaining of 60 degree 'chilly weather' while we put on shorts every time it hits 30.

Texas actually got snow before us this year! Love it! :D We're supposed to have a huge snow storm tonight though, possible snow day tomorrow.
One great thing about snow here, is that as soon as it falls the whole city is shut down. No one knows how to drive in it here :laugh

Its been high 20s low 30s all week!
It's not only wonderful because it's Christmas. It's wonderful because I'll finally be done with applications!!! Then I can do flip all next semester and it won't matter.
Bound to receive some gifts from friends and family as usual. Got to buy some gifts from my side to give back to them!

If the Christmas sale at Best Buy (computer store) is good, then I might buy a digital camera (10+ MP) since the Thanksgiving sale didnt impress me with the prices.

P.s: Rohit, where do you live? I live in Ohio and we havent had any snow so far at all.
Besy Buy sucked on black friday, Fry's on the other hand was amazing! I got a 1 TB portabl HD for 70 bucks!
I'm orthodox so my Christmas is 2 weeks after. Not getting any presents since its never been a tradition to give out presents, at least not in my home. Just spend the day with the family and get ready for another holiday on January 9th, that's when the real fun starts.
My family don't celebrate Christmas so I didn't get into the big spirit of things growing up. However now I have a family of my own we do have a little celebration for it, but due to me growing up without Christmas I struggle to get into the whole spirit of it. I do appreciate it's importance to people though.
Many people do not celebrate the holiday religiously, I have many non-Christian friends who also put up lights and a tree and give each other presents. Its just a fun Hallmark type holiday for anyone.

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