Not everything is a about action

and the f-16 is old and outdated, it can be shot down by a F35 from miles away without detecting it on Radar. The US will decommission it in 2020 and from then on replace it with the f35. the f16 was developed in 1971!
Flying a jet with proper protocol, (speed, proper altitude (ascent, cruise, decent), heading) is a hell of a challenge.
Sam, you might want to create a thread in the Tech section and post that list, you will get some really good feedback. That computer sounds like a beast but I don't know too much about the individual parts.
Starting my VOR and ILS training today.
Oh and my dad had a go at the Sim yesterday. He said its not really like flying, but its 100% accurate in terms of instrumentation and said that alone makes this Sim very educational.