Mom Decapitates Son, Eats Brain

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I saw it when I clicked "new posts" I do not want to see a thread title about decapitation. I bet you tried to google for photos and a video. Your sick in the head. Take your medication, remember what the doctor said.

You are a Patrick Bateman in the making.

really?? seriously? how old are you?? no wonder why you shyting your pants after reading this... and btw may be you should think about getting a life? you are always here 24/7, every time i log in. no wonder why you are so stressed out.

this conversation ends HERE
really?? seriously? how old are you?? no wonder why you shyting your pants after reading this... and btw may be you should think about getting a life? you are always here 24/7, every time i log in. no wonder why you are so stressed out.

this conversation ends HERE

He isn't logged in atm.
really?? seriously? how old are you?? no wonder why you shyting your pants after reading this... and btw may be you should think about getting a life? you are always here 24/7, every time i log in. no wonder why you are so stressed out.

this conversation ends HERE

MacLovin just ignore these scary cats.
something my friend make me watch 2 girls 1 cup and beheading videos
but I can watch it again but still don't care.

This is like a Horror movie.
But it was pretty shocking and weird when she said "The devil made me do it!
MacLovin just ignore these scary cats.
something my friend make me watch 2 girls 1 cup and beheading videos
but I can watch it again but still don't care.

This is like a Horror movie.
But it was pretty shocking and weird when she said "The devil made me do it!

Your've actually seen beheading videos?
Your've actually seen beheading videos?

Well Yeah...Not my fault
My friends in Pakistan told "oh watch will love this"
and then they put in the CD and they all want out..leaving me by myself in the room and I watch it all:facepalm.
Worst thing I ever Watched..but now I can watch anything

masterkhan added 5 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

worst thing was that it was a 12 years old boy doing it
Well Yeah...Not my fault
My friends in Pakistan told "oh watch will love this"
and then they put in the CD and they all want out..leaving me by myself in the room and I watch it all:facepalm.
Worst thing I ever Watched..but now I can watch anything

masterkhan added 5 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

worst thing was that it was a 12 years old boy doing it

Why didn't you just leave, fearsome tweak watching that man. Tbh I Lol when I read the 'you'll love this", how would anyone like that.
Why didn't you just leave, flip watching that man. Tbh I Lol when I read the 'you'll love this", how would anyone like that.

well I saw a 12 year old boy saying is Pashto that "this man is a American spy"..and I was like ummm.. what going to happen next.
And then the 12 year old boy start cutting his neck..and he sucked because he find it abit hard after he cut it halfway..took him 2 mins to behead the poor guy:doh
Can't beileve they made a 12 year old boy behead someone:facepalm
well I saw a 12 year old boy saying is Pashto that "this man is a American spy"..and I was like ummm.. what going to happen next.
And then the 12 year old boy start cutting his neck..and he sucked because he find it abit hard after he cut it halfway..took him 2 mins to behead the poor guy:doh
Can't beileve they made a 12 year old boy behead someone:facepalm

And you kept watching why?

I think it would be pretty obvious wouldn't it.
And you kept watching why?

I think it would be pretty obvious wouldn't it.

Once I see something I will always want to watch it all:D
and this Mum eating her sons brain..dame
Its more worse when you watch it then read
Once I see something I will always want to watch it all:D
and this Mum eating her sons brain..dame
Its more worse when you watch it then read


You haven't seen this too have you?
MacLovin just ignore these scary cats.
something my friend make me watch 2 girls 1 cup and beheading videos
but I can watch it again but still don't care.

This is like a Horror movie.
But it was pretty shocking and weird when she said "The devil made me do it!

damn!! i only watched once, it didnt scare me, but i am sure if i watch it again i will puke!! the replay videos are funny!

and did you watch that BMX olympics!! UGH!
You two guys are devil, no scare feeling? oh yeah people differ but i am afraid of this things this doesn't make me a thumb sucking kid or something, it's only that i cant face it.
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