Mubarak and Tharanga

I was watching Thranaga at Lord's yesterday, he seemed solid, although scoring was slow and he left a lot. He didn't really know what to do against Panesar though. Mubarak is poor, doesnt seem to watch the ball too much.
Only reason Mubarak keep getting selected is becasue his family are powerful in Sri Lanka. Shame they really should have given Vandort a go. He isn't good as Tharanga but at least he has more than 3 shots he can play unlike Mubarak.

Tharanga is a pretty Decent player. He will get better in time.
Agreed with others. Tharanga has the goods and is still only 21. Give him time and I expect him to be the next Sanath. Mubarak on the other hand really has to be dropped next match to vacate for Sanath. Mubarak's technique is pathetic, hence his second innings dismissal where he tried to drive through the covers instead of straight and he puts a lot of pressure on Tharanga to score.

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