Need For Speed? - What's your opinion...

I think you should go for two 256 MB SDRAM modules.

Well it is written in my pc guide that i can add a max. of 128mb ram modules.That may be because when the board was manufactured and the manual written there were no 256mb modules available.I think i'll auction of my old 64mb module as Atul suggested and get two new 128mb modules{if my board has at least 2 slots}.That way i'll have a total of 256mb ram which is quite enough for a year or so.

Wel, I have upgraded my machine to AMD Duron 1 Ghz and its running fine. Now i'll need a 3D graphics card. Please suggest me a good and economic graphics card (32Mb or 64 Mb) which you think will work well. Thanks.
Hi Atul/Ritwik/Any other,

Please suggest me a good 3D graphics card for my PC. I have a Duron 1 GHz machine with a built in S3 Savage 4 graphics card. It is fine to play most of the games but the newer games can only be played with reduced effects.

I want top buy a 32mb or 64mb graphics card preferably from nVidia. Budget - Around Rs. 3000/- :P
Ummmmm.... if it does have an onboard Savage chipset, does it have an AGP slot? Just wondering!
I recently got a Gigabyte GA-7ZMMH motherboard with VIA KM133A chipset. I has got bot inbuilt S3 Savage 4 graphics and also features an 4X AGP slot.

Why are you worrying about that? Please suggest a good 3D Graphics card for me that's not too expensive.

Hi quickfire,
i think you should get one of the geforce2/3MX range of cards.They are available in 32/64 mb varients and can run any new 3d game with most of the effects at decent frame rates.You can get one of these cards for about 3000-5000 in the grey market.
You can get one of these cards for about 3000-5000 in the grey market.

Hi ritwik,

I think you're very rong there. Recently, I read in the Digit mag that Pine Excalibur GeForce 200MX with 64MB DDR is available for only Rs. 3200/= That too legally. No need to go to a grey market as we don't have one in Kolkata.

Also, what you think about the Riva TNT2 series of cards?

Mine was just an estimate.If you are getting the card for only 3200 than i bet you should go for that.You can play all the latest games{c2k2,serious sam,quake3,ut,upcoming doom3 etc} with most of the effects at great frame rates.Riva tnt2 won't give you the same performence,it really fades when compared to a geforce.I think if you invest a little more{about 6000} you can get a geforce 3 MX card which will last you easily for at least a year.

The best thing about geforce cards is their compatibility with the max number of games and their excellent anti aliasing features.If you can get a good card with an onboard fan to keep heat levels under control than you can have an immersive 3d experience.
Moreover,with a geforce card you will be able to greatly improve blc graphics using an antialiasing technique given by a guy at the BLC online forums.and needless to say you will not have s3 savage problems you are having with a geforce card.
Thanks ritwik,

I must tell you that I don't have Rs. 6000 to spare. The max I can invest is around Rs. 2000 - 3000/- and not a penny more. However, I don't mind an extra hundred or two if that hugely boosts up the performance.

I am not sure about the performance of Pine Excalibur as I have not heard it before. I don't know how well it will perform and that's why I don't want to hurry up things. If that had been an ASUS card, I would have bought it immediately.

Anyway, which card are you using? Your processor, speed and performance please?


Edited By QuickFire on June 23 2002 at 22:44
oh [b:post_uid13]NO[/b:post_uid13].knowing what you are doing.oh i feel very sorry and poor about this.

guys do you want the c2k2 demo in PCQUEST cd?

i can help you guys.

GF2 MX200=pumped up tnt2 ultra
GF2 MX200 uses only SDR memory,not DDR.
Try to get GF2 MX400 with DDR"some models only" or GF2 GTS which uses 5.5ns 333Mhz DDR.
"The effects is GF2 MX 200 are limited when compared to GF2 MX 400."so MX 200 is just a pumped up version of tnt2 ultra.
pine not a good brand.Asus card are good but expensive in india.leadtek is a good card.also try MSI cards.

btw,there is no GF3 MX available.
here is a list of Nvidia GF cards by speed

GF4 ti 4600,4400,4200.=nv25
GF3 ti 500,GF3,GF3 ti 200.=nv20
GF4 MX 460,GF4 MX 440,GF4 MX 420.=NV17
GF2 ultra,GF2 ti,GF2 GTS.=nv15
GF2 MX 400,GF2 MX,GF2 MX 200.=nv11
GF ddr,GF sdr.=nv10

Hi t365,
We would definitely appreciate the demo on the pc quest cd.Thanks very much for your info about graphics cards,i am sure quickfire will appreciate it.

Quickfire,i am using a very low end graphics solution.My system details are as follows:
intel 810e motherboard with integrated graphics
p3 733Mhz
Aurel Vortex sound card.

As you can see its a very low end system...that's why i wanted to upgrade my ram..that will pump up performance a bit.I can play a lot of the newer games{Unreal tournament,quake 3,serious sam etc.} in lower graphical settings ofcourse.

I do not much spare cash at the moment so i can't upgrade my motherboard presently,i can upgrade my graphics only after i upgrade my motherboard.I would be interested to know about the new motherboard you have got and what was the total cost.
810e uses system a get a slight difference.
Try for a PCI Geforce card.

you will get the demo in PCQUEST AUGUST cd.

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