Well I got all 4 of my pre-weekend predictions wrong. New England were awful and Baltimore were class making it a no contest from the start.
The final game looked to be a fourth blowout in succession but thankfully Green Bay clawed it back. What a brilliant game it was. I thought Arizona deserved to win and was routing for them by the end, despite not really caring who won. I thought they had blown it when Rackers missed that field goal, and it was one prediction I got right, saying to my step dad that he was going to miss as he got ready to take it.
Nick Halling (NFL Sky Sports Presenter) got it spot on saying the game would probably come down to one defensive play despite neither side being able to stop each other's offense. Aaron Rodgers definitely tried to kick that ball away as he fumbled and just helped it into the defender's arms. What a game though! Finally this post-season gets some life!