Sorry but I will have to restart the locals draft - the NZ teams were looking a bit weaker as compared to the Aussie teams after the first round of the draft. The rules are same, but the draft list has changed. Apologies, I am really sorry, especially to those who got their desired players.
OPL Locals Draft
Special thanks to Callum for the pointers
* Draft begins tomorrow (Wednesday - 11th April) at 9:00 AM GMT or 2:30 PM IST
* Please make sure you read what players you need to pick in each round.
* You must wait until the round before is finished until the next round starts, unless it's been 24 hours the round started. If you are the last to pick in one round you can immediately start the next round off.
* If you have not picked within 24 hours you will forfeit your pick, and the next round of drafting will resume as normal. In short the duration of each round is 24 hours.
* If you know you will not be coming online for a period of time, you can send me a PM with what sort of players you are looking for, and I will make your pick for you.
* There won't be any player list. If you want any guidance you can check the APL/NZPL thread about the locals. You can also check the list of unauctioned players.
* Please use Ctrl+F to check whether the player has already been picked earlier. Check it both in the index as well as in the draft list.
* Please post the draft picks in the code. You can omit the code in the first round if there is a lot of rush though.
* It's your responsibility to make your pick, so keep on checking the thread. Don't rely on me to update the title, or send you a VM.
* Squads will be updated after every round.