Discussion Online Play General Discussion

once the game is out and i've got my xbox live set up and a gamer tag going, i would probably look at setting up a TEST championship using either All Time teams, or specific "decade" best teams - e.g. Invincibles, SA 70, WI 80s, Aus 90s, Eng 50s etc.

If anyone had any interest in that kind of thing let me know.

Defo up for that!
I was thinking of doing a test championship; but since there's going to be some people who sign up to league things and then drop out, it makes sense to make it a quick format. Would love to do a test series at some point, though!
once the game is out and i've got my xbox live set up and a gamer tag going, i would probably look at setting up a TEST championship using either All Time teams, or specific "decade" best teams - e.g. Invincibles, SA 70, WI 80s, Aus 90s, Eng 50s etc.

If anyone had any interest in that kind of thing let me know.
I'd love to join but i would rather have just modern day teams. When are you thinking of setting up a thread for this?
i want to join a league or a cup matches

There is a new look Ranji Trophy Competition with a first round of auction tentatively set for 1pm GMT on Sunday. 2 innings per team (though I'd be surprised if any match lasts the full 270 overs).

10 slots taken. At least 2 slots still vacant.

You don't need to have any real knowledge of local teams. By the end of the auction and the draft, the teams would have retained very little of their actual identity. Squads will be balanced - A team like Orissa can easily compete against a team like Mumbai. At least 4 international players per team.
The Ranji Trophy Competition has got 11 players so far, so only one more slot remains. You can pick Haryana and get Kapil Dev for free (or you can pick Maharashtra and get Munaf Patel if that floats your boat).

Live auction to be held on Sunday afternoon.

EDIT: LIVE AUCTION starts now here if you want to watch.
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