Discussion Online Play General Discussion

When bowling with a medium pacer (or any batter that tries to turn around his arm as a bowler,they end up bowling a slow ball (88kp/h) bouncer that never lifts , seemingly unplayable . This ball pitches around 9 meters from the batsmen , but on the batting view when bowled , the ball shows green or even Yellow :eek: . This turns a very unrealistic and almost unplayable ball into a wicket taker everytime . Why is it not showing red at least to somehow try and convey that a longhop has been bowled.

Same thing happens with the slow ball longhop from a spinner , masquerading as the Drift and Flight + O button ball. This ball turns out to be almost unplayable and very unrealistic .

Does anyone have an idea how to play these , or if their timing windows are going to be widened in Patch No. 2 . I feel strongly that this needs to be fixed as a long hop is supposed to be a easy hit....

I have pretty much learnt how to tackle the slower ball bouncer or double bouncer should I call it from the medium pacers, and the key is as cricket online said to play very very very late, as if your almost watching the ball come on to the bat and then playing your shot.

Problem is these deliveries can be played if you are expecting them, but if it is dropped in every now and then it is more difficult to pick it up and may end up playing it early.

I only came across the spinners bowling those deliveries you described a few days ago, and felt a little hard done by. I bowled first and restricted my opponent to around 60 in 10 overs bowling genuine deliveries including the odd normal slower balls which he struggled against. Dare I say if I had used the double slower ball bouncer with my medium pacer (as I am more than capable of bowling this delivery) I would have dented his score massively.

When it came my turn to bat he used nothing but spinners, that too All time best spinners to bamboozle me with the slower ball longhops with the spinners. Wasnt expecting that so played a few shots too early until I got the hang of it. But if the bowler keeps mixing it up, dropping in the odd slower longhop and it done me in a few times, lost by about 10 runs.
How many ps3 players are there in the UK timezone as all my online games have been againt the southern hemesphere and its a bit laggy!! im hoping that the uk timezone wont be .

psn id : RedskinsUK21

I'm in UK and online most evenings (and some daytimes), psn id is t_kaay, add me, will play.
I have pretty much learnt how to tackle the slower ball bouncer or double bouncer should I call it from the medium pacers, and the key is as cricket online said to play very very very late, as if your almost watching the ball come on to the bat and then playing your shot.

Problem is these deliveries can be played if you are expecting them, but if it is dropped in every now and then it is more difficult to pick it up and may end up playing it early.

I only came across the spinners bowling those deliveries you described a few days ago, and felt a little hard done by. I bowled first and restricted my opponent to around 60 in 10 overs bowling genuine deliveries including the odd normal slower balls which he struggled against. Dare I say if I had used the double slower ball bouncer with my medium pacer (as I am more than capable of bowling this delivery) I would have dented his score massively.

When it came my turn to bat he used nothing but spinners, that too All time best spinners to bamboozle me with the slower ball longhops with the spinners. Wasnt expecting that so played a few shots too early until I got the hang of it. But if the bowler keeps mixing it up, dropping in the odd slower longhop and it done me in a few times, lost by about 10 runs.

Yeah , I totally understand mate.

But , a rank longhop from a Spinner /Medium Pacer at 86km/h SHOULD be the easiest ball to belt over the boundary ropes , like in real life. In game , you get tricked by the indicator still showing Green(good length /Yellow(full length coupled by the extremely slow movement of these balls.

When you eventually decide to actually hit the ball , you end up missing it by miles on the replays.

This cannot be right and needs to be fixed , by either speeding the balls animation up a bit , or by widening the batters Timing meter for hitting these balls.

@BigAntStudios , I would like some comment on the above if possible. Its ruining the online play a bit when batters end up taking the most wickets.
Just played a few games with wired connection yesterdau
N it was a major improvement with regard to lag..

Also dint knew until yesterday that u can show the bat to bowler before he delivers the ball as if u r mocking him cool .....
Yeah , I totally understand mate.

But , a rank longhop from a Spinner /Medium Pacer at 86km/h SHOULD be the easiest ball to belt over the boundary ropes , like in real life. In game , you get tricked by the indicator still showing Green(good length /Yellow(full length coupled by the extremely slow movement of these balls.

When you eventually decide to actually hit the ball , you end up missing it by miles on the replays.

This cannot be right and needs to be fixed , by either speeding the balls animation up a bit , or by widening the batters Timing meter for hitting these balls.
@BigAntStudios , I would like some comment on the above if possible. Its ruining the online play a bit when batters end up taking the most wickets.

This. Crappy deliveries should have a much larger timing window. A long hop at 80 kph delivered by a medium pacer or a spinner can be put away by most of us in real life, and the game should reflect the same. Those pies should be easy to hammer to the stands but in the game we are lucky i we somehow manage to get these deliveries away for a single and not lose wkts to them.
^this, it would be a major headache and spoil all fun in online, long hop, sponge balls all these bad balls should have a large time window and get punished easily, thats the only way to prevent the some guys who will draw pleasure from playing spoil sport and winning like this.
^this, it would be a major headache and spoil all fun in online, long hop, sponge balls all these bad balls should have a large time window and get punished easily, thats the only way to prevent the some guys who will draw pleasure from playing spoil sport and winning like this.

Yes i think it should be pointed out that most guys will not use these tactics, i did some time ago myself until i realised how difficult it was to play such deliveries.

But i agree with the rest of you that either it sould be made much easier to play those deliveries or the bounce and speed should be more realistic.
I think a much larger hitting window would discourage this type of bowling.

Online is the only place I play and that`s why I will exclusively list its faults. As soon as Patch No. 2 comes out and fixes the career issues , I might give that a shot again and calm down on the online issues.

There should not be a "go to" Ball in the game that has a 95% chance of dismissing you , and if there is such a ball (yorker??) , just please dont make it the rank longhop slow ball by the Medium Pacer/Spinner.

@BigAntStudios , are you actually having a look at this ?
I've read every post before and after release of the game.

I don't respond to all but understand I am marking them for follow up from Mike and HBK when I believe there is merit.
So can you confirm then if these has merits to be looked at : @BigAntStudios

1. Slow bowler/Spinner bowling long hops that become almost unplayable wicket taking balls.
2. The extreme Speed differences achieved by the bowlers , and the fact that they can vary it from 158km/h - 102km/h ball by ball with no penalty .
So can you confirm then if these has merits to be looked at : @BigAntStudios

1. Slow bowler/Spinner bowling long hops that become almost unplayable wicket taking balls.
2. The extreme Speed differences achieved by the bowlers , and the fact that they can vary it from 158km/h - 102km/h ball by ball with no penalty .

You got your answer didnt you in the post directly above yours. Ross has read it. If they merit looking into it they will do so. So thats three times now.
You got your answer didnt you in the post directly above yours. Ross has read it. If they merit looking into it they will do so. So thats three times now.

You could say he just got burned with acid Dutch, yeah it's the best i have for now.:D:spy
Okay, so this may be a risky move for someone who has barely played a few games (poorly) on pro, but I'm going to attempt Legend mode, so I can play on online :)

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