Discussion Online Play General Discussion

Okay, so this may be a risky move for someone who has barely played a few games (poorly) on pro, but I'm going to attempt Legend mode, so I can play on online :)

Just jump straight in online mate, depends who you come across really but there will be many players who are probably on the same level as you.

My first game online i never knew how to change the field, how to appeal, heck i will be honest i never even knew how to bowl without the bowling assistant, but a month later and I am doing very well.
You got your answer didnt you in the post directly above yours. Ross has read it. If they merit looking into it they will do so. So thats three times now.

Dutch I think Ross can speak for himself , no need for the cavalry to come riding in.

Why dont you accept my friend request , then I can have a game online with you and demonstrate to you how lovely it is to face these balls ?? I dare you , most fun you will have with your pants on.

Or are you like Biggs , just focused on Career mode atm ?


Another suggestion/request that I wanted to put to you guys well over two weeks ago already , but just didnt come to it with all the other online shenanigans taking place.

The Online Custom match Match finder screen needs some tweaking in my opinion :

1. It always shows a Pro20 on the one line summary , and after you join the match you see its a Pro10 or 5/5 .

2. There is no way for me to determine if the Match Hoster has ticked the magical "Normalise Skills" button , and hence I`m open for abuse except when I host the match and make sure its always ticked. I would like it to be shown in the summary view.

3. I would like to see the hoster`s Ping as it really will tell me if it is worth joining or not. Most other PC games have this as standard in online games.

4. Maybe have the ability to highlight the match hosters match , and press Triangle or whatever to see all extra info needed , like hosters experience , stadium selected etc. etc.

Currently its a blind date so to speak , and I feel that if the above can be implemented alot of heartache can be saved.
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Its annoying when some people use customized teams to give themselves an advantage. Its hard enough finding someone to play with. And then non stop yorkers with fast bowlers make it ridiculous hard to play.
1. It always shows a Pro20 on the one line summary , and after you join the match you see its a Pro10 or 5/5 .

2. There is no way for me to determine if the Match Hoster has ticked the magical "Normalise Skills" button , and hence I`m open for abuse except when I host the match and make sure its always ticked. I would like it to be shown in the summary view.

3. I would like to see the hoster`s Ping as it really will tell me if it is worth joining or not. Most other PC games have this as standard in online games.

4. Maybe have the ability to highlight the match hosters match , and press Triangle or whatever to see all extra info needed , like hosters experience , stadium selected etc. etc.

Currently its a blind date so to speak , and I feel that if the above can be implemented alot of heartache can be saved.

Brilliant suggestions, especially 1 and 2.
What happens when you check the normalize skills option,im fairly new to the online experience?:yes
its too hard to find games online and i havnt got time to sit and wait 30 minutes to do so thats what wrong with cricket games its a minority sport in gaming terms and the indian population dont seem to have too many games consoles per head if cricket was popular in america then it would be eaasy to get a game online
If anyone wants to play in the ULTIMATE PS3 ODI + T20 LEAGUE please come over to the online play forums and sign up, very few teams are still available for taking.
Hi @kushari im new here can i play please :lol

No, you have to first play with our best player "THE LAD" to prove yourself.:D:D

If you can score more than 20 Against him, then only we will consider your application for admission..:p:p:p
Ok , I`ll move my questions over to the Patch #2 Must Fixes thread , as it seems there one gets answers from HBK. Obviously this online thread seems to not be the place to discuss online problems/suggestions.
its too hard to find games online and i havnt got time to sit and wait 30 minutes to do so thats what wrong with cricket games its a minority sport in gaming terms and the indian population dont seem to have too many games consoles per head if cricket was popular in america then it would be eaasy to get a game online

You need to build your friends list on PSN with players that play this game.

What i do is, if i complete a game with someone I will send them a friend request, because I know they are genuine, if they quit obviously don't.
Bloody hell its hard enough to win a game online.
Just was playing online against someone and i was doing really well and all of a sudden a message pops up that i have forfeited the game:eek::facepalm
playing online tonite and it was once again yet another insanitary experience. Every time I bowled this person played bongo music through their headset on xblive. i paused the game in an attempt to make my point, they then stopped the racket and as soon as i bowled they started the racket again. some of us have children in bed. i realise that this person was in the subcontinent but even so one expects a bit more respect. I am sure that if i played elgar over every bowl that someone on the other side of the world may object. what is it about online sports games that brings out the very worst of man? pathetique. it is not real boys. its not cricket to behave like fifa 14 idiots

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