Online quitters

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Hi mate how you doing? I have resorted to having a notepad whenever I play online and I note down the name as it sometimes hard to remember. I've got my own blacklist. As soon as I see them I am out of there. Sad that it has to be like this but man it is so tiring to have someone quit on you after spending half an hour trying to give them a good game.

Yes I know,But it gets annoying when some one quits like that. Good you have created a black list. :) Any ways,you`re free for a game mate.? :)
I have got a question about online play?
If I loose a match but manage to get all opposition wickets and then score a century. Yet loose the match. The match is completed. Will my stats get updated? Or is it only winning matches counts? :help
Lost match stats also play for stats..even if you lose it doesn't matter it won't appear to anyone how many you won or lost only stats appears..

r1991 added 6 Minutes and 38 Seconds later...

anyone knows how to invite a friend to play?
Ok the online quitter thread is not of much use as it does not list the names in a useful post... I will keep this list updated and add the number of times a person quits to his name as well. So that we can avoid those like the plague.... and separated according to platform...



So post your quitters on this list along with platform. Thanks

why is my second tag 'Fazziioo' on the quitters list! i played told the guy over the mic ive got bad connection as im 'borrowing' my neighbours internet!.. then got disconnected
chrislegend1992 on xbox 360 is a quitter.i made 180 odd in a t20 against him,batting first,and when i got him 3 down for 3-4 runs he quit.
heqetus - PS3

We were playing a ten-over match and he quit about 3/4 through my innings :mad:
Hey Guys... I was online few minutes ago with id Hasan360. pretty annoyed now... 3 times kicked out.. haha... for what? because of my stupid and idiotic cable network..

whoever has played or will play with me in future .. plz remember i dun quit at any cost.. until my connection is lost... which happening most of the time...

Regards... Hasan (Hasan360)
he quit on me
i batted first and posted a total on the board
and then
when he came batting
he lost 2 wickets
for no run
and he quits on me
as he may have thought tht he cannot win


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I had people quit on me like 6 times since i got the game it's such a shame people like these waste their money on a game just to quit! :doh

While I don't like quitters I think if you're playing a game that's lagging then I think it's fair enough to quit... I've had many games where I'd be bowling with hard out lag and ripping through the batting line up but decided that it's not really fair on the other guy and quit myself that is unless he quit first.. but the same has happened to me when I've been batting, it's almost impossible to hit the ball. Bottom line if it's lagging then I'm more forgiving if someone quits other than that there's no excuse.
I just pld Khansahib on PC i got 90-1 of 10 overs he got 14-9 of his 10 and didnt quit so i take my hat of to him.:banana2
abhi2(some numbers) is a pure quitter. I played him twice and both the times, he did quit.
safe guys wot ive been doing is making a note of peoples names on PS3 before we start match and then we can record whether or not they quit. so far these are the quitters to AVOID:-

hoppoll - ENG
mikeypriestley10 - ENG
fazziioo - PAK
nav_latrobe - IND
marcin001 - SA
uzil47 - AUS
lofty01 - ENG
ajalee - AUS

i will post more as i get em BUT HERE ARE SOME GOOD PLAYERS WHO DID NOT QUIT:-

Leeder_9 - ENG
sjaffe7 - SRI
shoosylad - ENG

thanks guys if u wanna full match plz add me i like 5 or 10 over matches uf007uf on ps3

whay am i on your quitters list (fazziioo), when i clearly told you over the mic that i have bad connection cos im 'borrowing' my neighbours connection.. sort it out

JaGaTpAl and tahir365 both are quitters mann avoid them on Xbox live

ASHES FAN added 19 Minutes and 40 Seconds later...

Jagatpal iz a quitter dunt play wid him
i played wid him i scored 238 in a t20 match
and when he lost 3 wickets for 0 runs he quited and game excuse's tht u were bowling yorkers thts y i quited
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5 games I've played on the xbox and not single completed I'm soo fkoff
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