Online quitters

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add these three looser's to the quitter list


stoner71 just quitted on me. he was chasing my score of 172ao and was going along nicely on 23-0 in 3 sth overs until he had a rush of blood and collapsed to 23-4 and then quits.
I have got a question about online play?
If I loose a match but manage to get all opposition wickets and then score a century. Yet loose the match. The match is completed. Will my stats get updated? Or is it only winning matches counts? :help
Add daylan22792 to the quitters list he just Quit game in last over. I hate quitters they are selfish:mad:....

One request to quitters if you are loosing consider that match as your practice match and play it fully(as i do) and try to find out what are the mistake you have done, Timing etc...You are just quitting that affect the ranking of the other playing member and its waste of time.

And guys My ID is Shogun46.
I have played with many Planet cricket member without informing that i am a PC member. Its nice to see they review about you and you read it:).
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SpaceyPanther - ps3 quit after being 4/0 off 4 overs, was restricting him
It is a bit sad but I have a notepad next to me and write down the names of people who quit or play to the end. It is so frustrating spending a half an hour bowling to someone, thinking about things, giving them real competition and they quit because they can't be bothered to do the same for you. If I enter a game and it's not a name on my list, I am out of there. Shame because I am sure their are genuine players who really want to play fairly. I don't care about stats, mainly because I'm not that good, but I do care about having a good, honest game. If I get beat fine. I'm so fair that I usually bowl first to give the other player some real competition because I know my batting is not that good and they will easily overhaul my target if I bat first. With bowling I can test most players for a while and try to vary things, set fields, work batsmen out etcetera. Aren't I kind? Anyway, if you want to add me to your friends list please do as I will always be up for a game (As long as it is at least 10 overs) :)

dutchad added 1 Minutes and 8 Seconds later...

Add daylan22792 to the quitters list he just Quit game in last over. I hate quitters they are selfish:mad:....

One request to quitters if you are loosing consider that match as your practice match and play it fully(as i do) and try to find out what are the mistake you have done, Timing etc...You are just quitting that affect the ranking of the other playing member and its waste of time.

And guys My ID is Shogun46.
I have played with many Planet cricket member without informing that i am a PC member. Its nice to see they review about you and you read it:).

Are you on PC or Console??
Add daylan22792 to the quitters list he just Quit game in last over. I hate quitters they are selfish:mad:....

One request to quitters if you are loosing consider that match as your practice match and play it fully(as i do) and try to find out what are the mistake you have done, Timing etc...You are just quitting that affect the ranking of the other playing member and its waste of time.

And guys My ID is Shogun46.
I have played with many Planet cricket member without informing that i am a PC member. Its nice to see they review about you and you read it:).

Oh so you are Shogun46 :sarcasm
Squish11 on ps3

he batted, bowled him out for 58, quit when i was on 40-1
Add daylan22792 to the quitters list he just Quit game in last over. I hate quitters they are selfish:mad:....

One request to quitters if you are loosing consider that match as your practice match and play it fully(as i do) and try to find out what are the mistake you have done, Timing etc...You are just quitting that affect the ranking of the other playing member and its waste of time.

And guys My ID is Shogun46.
I have played with many Planet cricket member without informing that i am a PC member. Its nice to see they review about you and you read it:).

Mate i didn't quit, the power went out so i couldn't help that. sorry
Was playing a T20 with bawa. Batting 1`st I was 92/1 from 5 overs,and I guess he quit. Had 2 more quitters before that. One was dylan211,the other I don`t remember.
Was playing a T20 with bawa. Batting 1`st I was 92/1 from 5 overs,and I guess he quit. Had 2 more quitters before that. One was dylan211,the other I don`t remember.

Hi mate how you doing? I have resorted to having a notepad whenever I play online and I note down the name as it sometimes hard to remember. I've got my own blacklist. As soon as I see them I am out of there. Sad that it has to be like this but man it is so tiring to have someone quit on you after spending half an hour trying to give them a good game.
OK. Apologies to ghostbuster1984 and Spikeywits. I quit after the first over of both games because the lag was so bad the ball was teleporting from the bowler's hand to the pitch. I still managed to fluke 20-odd of a no-ball filled first over from Spikeywits, but it got even worse in the second over so I decided to quit.
I might be my location (Japan), but its not my connection (100Mbps fiber) with no p2p crap cluttering up the line.
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