Pakistani Legends 09 Team Thread

Get over it. It's called trash talk. This is an internet forum, not real life rivalry in which people rub it in others faces usually as a joke. You're just some loser who has absolutely zero friends apart from those that you call 'friends' on here. Get a life mate...
Wow, just see how turned on someone becomes when he though goes for pretty aggressive banter himself, and yet can't bear when the same is used with him. I can't see how hypocritic people are. :(

You have no right and no knowledge to comment on my personal life anyways so I won't bother even replying to that.

If you can't bear a bit light hearted banter when you lose, its only you who's getting obsessed with an internet forum game, not me trev.
Meh, you're a Warrior, so yeah I suppose our smell of being clean and washed is unusual too you. I suggest you go back to your team thread where the rest of you reek of BO ;)
Kshitiz has friends! Just cause he's the only one that can see them doesn't make the not real...

I said before I'm not bothered to elaborate here now, I've done it where needed, and I don't speak without thinking or when I'm drunk anyways. ;)

I better get going, can't waste much more time here. If anyone has any real issues, though I doubt, take it through PM's / MSN please. Thank you.

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