Um, hold the phone there big guy. He's totally allowed his batshit insane opinion... it's just that it's batshit insane. The game was finished, had a few niggles, been ironed out... no muss no fuss. It's going to be one of those weeks on the ol' PlanetCricket...
Yeah, nah - one is only actually entitled to hold an opinion that one can defend.
His opinion is prima facie indefensible through pure logic (the game is clearly finished, because unfinished code doesn't compile), which means we must be looking for some authority to enable him to hold the opinion he holds.
If he was a software developer, tester or possibly a COSC graduate not working in the field, he'd be entitled to hold the opinion. He'd still be wrong, but at least he'd have the authority to be wrong.
Oh, come on @
Biggs. Even you must have had one or two,'how the hell did the play testers miss that one?' moments.
I guess the game that we get after patch 3 will be the one that we all wanted and paid for.
Play testing in this environment isn't what you think it is. It's generally not going to be someone sitting down playing the game for hours - that's simply not how testing works.
It is, however, how most people without a clue about development think it works.
Often bugs "show up" in the first week after release simply because of the number of person-hours put into playing the game. There's not a software company on the planet that can actually afford to spend the kind of money required to get that kind of testing.
That doesn't mean the testers aren't doing their jobs. It means their jobs are way harder than you think.