so , ross can you add keyboard mouse support
I certainly, and I can't stress this enough, hope not!
so , ross can you add keyboard mouse support
by any chance has patch 3 been submitted for consoles yet? i remember reading Ross saying they will submit it on the 31st July is this the case?
I don't recall Ross being that specific and mentioning dates. I think Big Ant are still waiting to hear about patch related bugs on PC platform, and once they confirm all is in order they will submit the same for consoles.
why is it taking so long? over a year waiting for multiplayer, please just release it already
Obviously the code has been complete for quite a while as evidenced by the Steam build.
There is an agreement that dictates that all console patches must be released at the same time - this means that all of them must have passed submission or none may be released.
Just wondering Ross, is it a case of still waiting for one or two more, or is it one of them has required a re-submission?
We have to do ten submissions because of the number of consoles and number of territories. Now that this is out of our hair it will have our complete concentration.
Apologies for not reading the entire thread but does Patch 3 include more immersive cut-scenes - in particular, it always rankles me when I get out as a batsmen with a good score that I don't get a cut-scene of me walking off to a crowd ovation / raising my bat etc. You just get the head-shake and then the next guy comes in.