Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

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There isn't a bowling meter. There is no "70%".
I want a fix for the bug where people release early on the bowling meter,especially with spinners,and bowl a ball which literally just crawls along the ground,
This is not skill it is just taking advantage of any flaws the game has.Please listen and fix big ant.
Can we add a batting timing/quality meter to the match, I want to know where i can improve my shots.
Can we add a batting timing/quality meter to the match, I want to know where i can improve my shots.

There's more to it than just a timing meter, though. In the nets you'll notice that you can get an edge even with ideal timing. The feedback in match practise is slightly better, but what I'd really like is an indication of what stick inputs produced the result on screen, because we can't rely on the graphical representation.

And yes, high on my wishlist is usable feedback while batting.
i'd like to see the cotton-wool pitches addressed. bounce in this game is utterly wrong. a number of times i've been out LBW to a fast-medium ball around 82mph that pitched short, hit me above the knee roll and was out because by the time the ball hit the stumps it's already on a downward trajectory - this on nominally hard/normal pitches.
I've had a few bat/pad catches and also a few blocks goin to silly point, I would like more edges goin to slips or gully rather than the keeper getting the majority, irl I kno the keeper probably gets more than the rest of the corden combined but in game the ratio is a little keeper biased.
I agree with others here, I would like to see the difference between maximum and minimum bowling speeds closed a bit. Played online last night and a guy was bowling 90mph toecrushers mixed in with 65mph balls that you have to wait an age to play... This may happen in real life but in the game there are no visual cues in the bowling action/grip, and you can't adjust at all once you've already triggered a shot to be played. The batsman simply plays the shot in slow motion, misses the ball and gets bowled.
Is it possible for to add an option to change your equipment during your career. Would love this to be added[DOUBLEPOST=1407323847][/DOUBLEPOST]Is it possible for to add an option to change your equipment during your career. Would love this to be added
Is it possible for to add an option to change your equipment during your career. Would love this to be added
Is it possible for to add an option to change your equipment during your career. Would love this to be added[DOUBLEPOST=1407323847][/DOUBLEPOST]Is it possible for to add an option to change your equipment during your career. Would love this to be added
mods for x box at any cost please[DOUBLEPOST=1407325107][/DOUBLEPOST]i would send cake for you Ross like MattW. so please.....
mods for x box at any cost please[DOUBLEPOST=1407325107][/DOUBLEPOST]i would send cake for you Ross like MattW. so please.....

Cake or no Cake, seems unlikely that this will ever happen.
i'd like to see the cotton-wool pitches addressed. bounce in this game is utterly wrong. a number of times i've been out LBW to a fast-medium ball around 82mph that pitched short, hit me above the knee roll and was out because by the time the ball hit the stumps it's already on a downward trajectory - this on nominally hard/normal pitches.
Agree with this, but the opposite happens when I bowl with a spinner. It always seems to bounce just over the stumps when I bowl it on a reasonably full "good length". I don't want to bowl yorkers with a spinner every ball so it is frustrating when I finally get a batsman to miss one that hit him below the knee roll but goes over by a distance.
If you're havin trouble bowling spin on bouncier wickets off a good length, simply bowl a full ball but let the timing window go further round, with trial and error you can hit the top of off with any length. That's probably the best thing about the bowling IMO, you have to think about what you're doin and be prepared to mix it up.

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