Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

Agree with all of your points there, Toecrusher.

With regards to the fielding, there are a few issues. Firstly, the AI has no idea how to set a field - how many times do you have 2 close fielders with both mid/long off and on behind them? How many times will the AI put a close fielder in after you defend a single ball? Or start with 3 slips and a gully in a T20/Pro40 match? Nor does the AI seem to be able to respond to the match situation very well.

Then there's the lack of edges going to slips (for both when batting and bowling). Part of that is the super wicket-keeper, who will catch everything, but part of it is to do with the physics. I remember that with Cricket 07, mod after mod tweaked the settings for edges to get something more realistic.

I would expect that such tweaks would also be patchable for DB14 and for the field placements it's probably doable to re-write some of the AI routines (disallow certain field placements in given situations), but might be more of a thing in the next iteration.

I'd also throw in that the AI batsmen need serious buffing, because bowling is far too easy (look at how many people struggle with the bat but - as an all-rounder or pure batsmen - have great averages with the ball, often under 15/20 but many under 10).

It's still a very good game, but I'd love for it to be taken further.
I've been out on a no ball before (lbw), but as a reflex I pressed the button to run and got myself run-out :facepalm

Anyway, has anybody ever had any byes or leg byes (other than when simming)? The keeper seems to save everything wide down the leg side (so no byes) and the physics seem to be a bit off and treat every contact with the player as removing all pace from the ball - I've never had a glance off the legs run away more than about 3 inches.

I've had byes, where the ball cleared the keeper. I've also had byes where I didn't play a shot, it came off the bat and cleared the keeper (which I expect is a bug).

I've never seen leg byes, as you say the ball loses all it's pace on hitting the pads.
Of now for me only two priorities,
1.field-settings like this needs to be fixed, format appropriate field-settings needed, especially for limited overs format.

Then when you are trying to pick the only few available gaps this kind of lol moment happens to a full blooded pull.

2.Then Grounded non trigger shots as discussed here, just these two will make the game gold.
Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives | Page 14 - PlanetCricket Forums
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From what I have seen, replays should never start from bowler's run-up, I know there is a Replay on the go option but it's just an important part of presentation along with more stats on the go.

Also there are too many direct hits and unnecessary throws when the batsman is safely at crease. The thing is fielders still hits direct hit when they are not even stretching their arms and just throwing the ball to bowler.

And as someone said before, the remaining overs option in FC cricket could be a lot useful.
Simple wish......To return the batting to how it was before the patches, fed up of hitting the ball up in the air no matter what stroke I play. I know there's the triggers to hold to keep it low, but before the patches I was keeping it fairly low without the need to hold down the triggers (ps3)
Of now for me only two priorities,
field-settings like this needs to be fixed, format appropriate field-settings needed, especially for limited overs format.
View attachment 128598

Then Grounded non trigger shots as discussed here, just these two will make the game gold.
Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives | Page 14 - PlanetCricket Forums
Yeah I have seen such field settings by AI in the game which needs tweaking [just a minor one],

Grounded non trigger shots along with the current tweaks of ball not carrying to the mid on or mid off will be gold for sure...Another one is the great wall of china [the bowler] not fielding the balls hit off the middle and timed well....
The camera moves too much while standing on non-striker end, in pro cam. I wonder if this could be fixed or atleast change the camera to some other cam while standing on the non-striker end.

Yes right , While bowling there are jurks in camera this need to be smooth
I never had any problem with DBC'14 except for two things:
1. Ground shots must not go in the air and must be ground shots.
2. There must be more edges off user's bowling.
That's it. Other than the above mentioned things other features in the game have never let me down.
I never had any problem with DBC'14 except for two things:
1. Ground shots must not go in the air and must be ground shots.
2. There must be more edges off user's bowling.
That's it. Other than the above mentioned things other features in the game have never let me down.

Would you not like edges when you bat go somewhere other than to the WK. E.g through slips, gully, over slips, bat pads etc?
Would you not like edges when you bat go somewhere other than to the WK. E.g through slips
recently i have actually had quite a few catches good looking ones going to slips and gully , some falling short and even just going for runs , bat pad against fast bowlers mostly because i haven't got out spinners much, though have noticed this only at legend difficulty.
Would you not like edges when you bat go somewhere other than to the WK. E.g through slips, gully, over slips, bat pads etc?
That was the thing which I was excited about when Ross said about the bat pads....And I had a thought that we would be able to see some smooth and cool looking bat pads in the game but haven't see even one till now...One of the thing that disappointed me in the game...
The following are the main things that are limiting the enjoyment/reward factor for me, and preventing me wanting to play the game consistently at the moment.

Whether they are fixable in a patch or future versions I don't know, but they will be a great help if implemented.

1) Lack of impact of pitch conditions on the ball. Having this really impact the way the game plays ALA Brian Lara 99 will add hours of playability and challenge.
2) The batting system which requires you to pre-meditate footwork (due to low reaction time), and makes it difficult to leave or defend the ball intuitively (due to the button mapping). Leaving and defending solutions I believe can be relatively easy (different mappings on RS/triggers etc.), however the reaction time issue will be a difficult one to solve elegantly (I know there have been various 'hint' systems proposed that may work)
3) Lack of spin. As a very average lower-level club leg spinner in a previous life, its difficult to accept that the in-game Shane Warne spins it less than I used to....
4) Lack of relevance of attacking fielders (slip cordon/short legs/silly points) - The game physics atm are not set up for these fielders to be useful. Takes away the 'should I cover drive or leave', 'should I leave a gap at cover to tempt the batsman and put in an extra catcher', 'should I defend the spinner or look to be aggressive' decisions that make cricket what it is.

There's a whole lot of other stuff that people have mentioned ofcourse (different shots, radar etc. etc.), but these are the fundamental gameplay elements I believe need to be looked at.
Top notch post.

My main qualms with the game all wrapped up in one post.

If i had to pick one thing, id say its the lack of the pitch conditions making much difference, day 1 session 1 or day 5 session 3, it plays pretty much the same, this is a huge difference from real world cricket.

Excellent post Mr Crusher.
I am sick of people bowling from behind the wickets, putting minimum possible pace on the ball... Please fix the bowling meter... Make run up break on anything less than 70% fill up.

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