Patch 3 Requests/Wishlist

Also an option to have the bowlers stats show in the Wickets/Runs format as well as the match score would be good, at the moment it all shows as for example 24/3, the Australian way.

Also, why show a score as 156/10, just show it as either 156 or 156 all out, nowhere in cricket is it ever shown as /10.
Also an option to have the bowlers stats show in the Wickets/Runs format as well as the match score would be good, at the moment it all shows as for example 24/3, the Australian way.

Also, why show a score as 156/10, just show it as either 156 or 156 all out, nowhere in cricket is it ever shown as /10.

As ugly as I think it is, I'm sure I've seen coverage (possibly old Australian highlights?) where it is shown as /10.
I think they need to add Advancing down the wicket grounded shots rather than all lob shots when played without Aggressive trigger and only with Advance down trigger...
More stats are needed. Its annoying that I can't see how many maidens I have bowled.

If I have to quit, and come back into the game, I am unable to see how many 4's or 6's I have hit from a previous session.
Field changes are one of the several important bits of match information that are only given by having the commentary turned on.

Really need to add that to the HUD, along with the short ball limit, overs until a new ball and weather conditions.

A good implementation might be to just automatically have you switch into the through the eyes view with a cut to where the new fielder is. Especially as the over the head camera shows the old field setting - not even them moving into place.

It seems a waste that with the amount of over head camera shots we get, that these would not reflect the new field settings. If the over head shots show the field settings for the next ball, this would be an improvement. For whatever reason, a deep mid off was not visible and I couldn't see the text marker, so I went long and high only too discover they'd moved a fielder there. Luckily he shelled it!
I would like to be able to zoom in and look at the big screen to have a look at all the information on it.

Would be a great idea for next iteration for sure....
Would love to see the super over work for the AI matches during a competition have set this up for many competitions but they all seem to tie. Furthermore, would love to see more stats and be able to play more fixtures in a league and have a full table when playing a competition. Otherwise the game is very good put on over 200 against Hong Kong in a T20 and they tried to chase down but fell short. However, I have lost to Denmark and Italy, how you ask? I'm not saying.
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1. An arial sweep shot will be amazing to have.
2. AI never bowls a No Ball.
3. Most of the caught and bowled are dropped.
4. In DRS, the AI never over steps.

There are my issues.
There should be RGB colors for Cricket Academy
1. An arial sweep shot will be amazing to have.
2. AI never bowls a No Ball.
3. Most of the caught and bowled are dropped.
4. In DRS, the AI never over steps.

There are my issues.

The AI does bowl no balls. Most of the caught and bowled (with the AI bowling) shouldn't even be chances. The AI umpires are pretty good at spotting no balls, which is why it's rare for the DRS to reverse a decision for that reason - I have, however, been saved from being dismissed because a no-ball was called.
I've been out on a no ball before (lbw), but as a reflex I pressed the button to run and got myself run-out :facepalm

Anyway, has anybody ever had any byes or leg byes (other than when simming)? The keeper seems to save everything wide down the leg side (so no byes) and the physics seem to be a bit off and treat every contact with the player as removing all pace from the ball - I've never had a glance off the legs run away more than about 3 inches.
The following are the main things that are limiting the enjoyment/reward factor for me, and preventing me wanting to play the game consistently at the moment.

Whether they are fixable in a patch or future versions I don't know, but they will be a great help if implemented.

1) Lack of impact of pitch conditions on the ball. Having this really impact the way the game plays ALA Brian Lara 99 will add hours of playability and challenge.
2) The batting system which requires you to pre-meditate footwork (due to low reaction time), and makes it difficult to leave or defend the ball intuitively (due to the button mapping). Leaving and defending solutions I believe can be relatively easy (different mappings on RS/triggers etc.), however the reaction time issue will be a difficult one to solve elegantly (I know there have been various 'hint' systems proposed that may work)
3) Lack of spin. As a very average lower-level club leg spinner in a previous life, its difficult to accept that the in-game Shane Warne spins it less than I used to....
4) Lack of relevance of attacking fielders (slip cordon/short legs/silly points) - The game physics atm are not set up for these fielders to be useful. Takes away the 'should I cover drive or leave', 'should I leave a gap at cover to tempt the batsman and put in an extra catcher', 'should I defend the spinner or look to be aggressive' decisions that make cricket what it is.

There's a whole lot of other stuff that people have mentioned ofcourse (different shots, radar etc. etc.), but these are the fundamental gameplay elements I believe need to be looked at.

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