PC demo released

Guys if you have a decent graphics card/pc then you gonna love this demo. I must say it is definately better than the 360 demo. Brett Lee in for Austrailia and overall the game is less buggy and plays smoother/slicker.

can you please post some screens...
Damn this game is amazing can't wait for the final release. Also, I am very proud of my 1 year old laptop :) Never expected it to run on it but it is running in full steam...
Got to say, I love it! You guys are gonna hate me for this but I think this is a more solid build than the 360 demo. It is so much more smoother and slicker (with a good graphics card of course) and seems less buggy. Off to play a few more games.

P.S. Seems like a newer build to the 360 demo as it has Brett Lee playing for Austrailia.

There is a thread for demo impressions.

Damn this game is amazing can't wait for the final release. Also, I am very proud of my 1 year old laptop :) Never expected it to run on it but it is running in full steam...

you lucky man, post us some screens or clips will u
1:38 hrs to go. I'm getting an average speed of 65.8 kbps.:doh
42 minutes to go!! just found out about the relaese in nz next week. i'm about to wee myself!!:doh
only just finished installing taking 15 minutes!?!
Ahh well at least i'll get to play before the third test starts :D
just a quick question, to anyone who has played the demo on pc.

Are the stumps ever uprooted? Or do they stay planted in the ground like the 360 version?

LOL this thread gonna crash :p

85 mb downloaded so far :(
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