PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

valerian dude...why did you quit?

I did not quite bro. The connection dropped. It just came connection to the host was lost. Thought we both would have a good game,but my net has been acting weird today. Sorry. :noway
Anyone around for a game who isn't going to quit on me like the last 5 matches I've had??

Post your username in here first so I know to play against you.
Can't join it, says failed to connect to host.

I had one open, but had to close it because twice two known quitters joined!

I've recreated mine if you want to try and join.

NICK_GIFF added 3 Minutes and 30 Seconds later...

Well you seem to be playing another game now so i'm going to give up for today.
A big thank you to Alex for not quitting on me. Whenever I bowl someone out cheaply I just expect them to quit.
Thank you.
A big thank you to Alex for not quitting on me. Whenever I bowl someone out cheaply I just expect them to quit.
Thank you.

Ain't that the truth ...... If I take some early wickets I usually bowl a couple short and wide as to not demoralise them and make them quit.

Yesterday though I got a lot of early wickets and decided to try and bowl him out for 10 .... I manged to get him for 13, and to his credit he stuck around and finished the game!
Guys there is a vcash price for the winner of the Planetcricket's T20 tournament by Barmyarmy:banana2 Join the tournament before the 27th. Thank you barmyarmy!
Ain't that the truth ...... If I take some early wickets I usually bowl a couple short and wide as to not demoralise them and make them quit.

Yesterday though I got a lot of early wickets and decided to try and bowl him out for 10 .... I manged to get him for 13, and to his credit he stuck around and finished the game!

I gave him a few in overthrows and dropped quite a few catches (neither deliberately). Basically he just slogs every ball which against good bowling will result in you being out for next to nothing. Pretty pleased with my Swann hattrick though.

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