PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread


Well played rocky,fancy a rematch later on.My girlfriend wants to go on the comput:facepalmer.

Batteries ran out on xbox controller and my girlfriend is pestering me to go on the computer.Take nothing away from your game,you seem to have improved.
Didnt like the field you set for me.:facepalm,Be back online in about an hour or so and i am gonna kick your ass.
Batteries ran out on xbox controller and my girlfriend is pestering me to go on the computer.Take nothing away from your game,you seem to have improved.
Didnt like the field you set for me.:facepalm Be back online in about an hour or so and i am gonna kick your ass.

It was my first custom field.:D 5-4 field.:spy

You will kick my ass i am scared.
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Fancy a game?

Anyone fancy a game.Can i ask before i play if my batsmen do nothing in a couple of shots give me time to find a couple of decent batteries for my xbox controller.:)Anyone want a game?
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