PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

@dutchad, I'm free now, aadhavzone quit on me when I needed one for victory. (With all due respect to the mods, I feel as if we've been thrown back to the stone age, in terms of this online quitter business, with all that effort gone to waste!)

Anyway I'm free now, you up for a game?

Thanks for the game my friend. Sorry I couldn't be more competitive with the bat. I tend to let people bat first so they can have a bit of fun and I am better at bowling. Listen, I know it is a tiresome and lame excuse but I hate this friggin lag. It just is nigh impossible for me to bat properly if this goddamn lag is going on. It was small but it is enough to put my timing off which isn't the best at the best of times anyway. I don't want to take anything away from you my friend because you are obviously a good player and I was happy to restrict you to the runs I did but I know I can challenge that target if I could just have a smooth game! Dogs grollox and gravy!!!!!:mad: (:))
♠ He is a fine player. Ive played 2 games against him ,1-1 . But yes i believe that of late , its quite an achievement to win against him, as he has become very accurate & very tough to beat.

Good Job, he is on these forums as well, why don't you two have an online competition & let us know who wins. I'm sure he will be raring to go.

Best of luck

oh well, i don't mind that. :cool:

I've never seen him on this forum, whats his name? :confused:
Oh , Dutchikins ............. Its play time ;) . So tell me what is it going to be 10, 25 or T20 for you. Also would you like to make it mandatory to have 1 spinner operational for his complete quota ? Answer me quick ..........

Ha ha, sorry I missed you post! Am still willing but you better be quick too because beddybyes is calling me very seductively! I have a 10k roadrace tomorrow morning and need to get a bit of the old shuteye too!:)
Thanks for the game my friend. Sorry I couldn't be more competitive with the bat. I tend to let people bat first so they can have a bit of fun and I am better at bowling. Listen, I know it is a tiresome and lame excuse but I hate this friggin lag. It just is nigh impossible for me to bat properly if this goddamn lag is going on. It was small but it is enough to put my timing off which isn't the best at the best of times anyway. I don't want to take anything away from you my friend because you are obviously a good player and I was happy to restrict you to the runs I did but I know I can challenge that target if I could just have a smooth game! Dogs grollox and gravy!!!!!:mad: (:))

No mate, I had fun playing, you're bowling is very good and you use smart tactics, I especially liked the fact that you kept on coaxing me into the big shot due to your field placing! And yes the lag was annoying, it isn't a tiresome excuse, I had two fast bowlers to your one and if one isn't used to thelag, it really can get very very difficult to hit the faster ones for four and like I said I had two of them, that really helped. Ironically Vaas was the highest wicket taker from my side and I think Southee from yours, lol :)
No mate, I had fun playing, you're bowling is very good and you use smart tactics, I especially liked the fact that you kept on coaxing me into the big shot due to your field placing! And yes the lag was annoying, it isn't a tiresome excuse, I had two fast bowlers to your one and if one isn't used to thelag, it really can get very very difficult to hit the faster ones for four and like I said I had two of them, that really helped. Ironically Vaas was the highest wicket taker from my side and I think Southee from yours, lol :)

Cheers my friend. How do you manage to time the ball so well even with the lag and where would you say I need to work on (apart from holding the bat the right way round!) if you don't mind me asking??

Love the fact that I think I took 9 catches!! I was really playing with the field and length to get you to play some shots as I didnt see myself bowling you over. Was a big risk as you could have put on 250 or 300 otherwise!

Also I see you use a custom field. Is that the way to go? I know some don't like it but I don't see anything wrong with it personally although added to lagmania it does make things extra tricky!
Oi Dutch ! Up for a game Lad ? How about i play as India & you as England ? reply quick.
Cheers my friend. How do you manage to time the ball so well even with the lag and where would you say I need to work on (apart from holding the bat the right way round!) if you don't mind me asking??

Love the fact that I think I took 9 catches!! I was really playing with the field and length to get you to play some shots as I didnt see myself bowling you over. Was a big risk as you could have put on 250 or 300 otherwise!

Also I see you use a custom field. Is that the way to go? I know some don't like it but I don't see anything wrong with it personally although added to lagmania it does make things extra tricky!

Without trying to sound like a pompous prick, I think the way you could improve your batting is by playing a few matches with a huge lag, I've never quit a match after the the first ball has been bowled even if the ball stops in mid air, I try and time the ball grounded off the faster bowlers and aerial with the spinners and medium pacers. That way if I play a game with a slight lag, it doesn't matter much because I'm used to a greater lag. The second thing is that you should try and hit the cover region the most, that's the easiest (along with fine leg) if you're going for grounded strokes (although beware the short cover because he sometimes catches perfectly timed balls as well). Whenever there is lag, these two are my go-to shots. As far as your bowling was concerned, like I said your plan was well thought out albeit a little risky but it worked like a charm. Like you said, i could've scored 250 (that was my plan) but the change of pace kept me to 131!
As far as the custom field goes, I too do not see a problem with it and I'd say you should use it as well simply because you can create a field that can perfectly suit your line and length and / or the batsman's weakness. A good example can be a game I had with jaraarrow. He could hit balls on fourth stump, anywhere between mid-wicket and fine leg for atleast a single and I wanted him to either block or go for a big shot on that ball, so I used the same field I used against you, except the third slip was in the mid-wicket position, thereby eliminating that stroke. So using custom fields adds another dimension to the game and good captaincy is all about field placing, rather than just working with the handful of fields given to us. That's what I think.
Gotcha .... 10 overs ..... Playtime :happy

Jeez...what happened with that last ball? I only needed 66 of one ball....man I could have got those!! Sidebottom was on fire!

Anyway lag-city rears her ugly head and my bowlers started off shockingly although the last couple of over were good as I have discovered a new trick;). My batting was slightly better than woeful but of course totally inadequate. Ah well thanks for being patient me old mate and hopefuly I will improve...:)

You know, like George Bush improved as his presidency wore on!
Nice Playing Dutchikins ........ BTW, Where in Kiwi Land are you put up in Dutch ? It was a friggin Lagathon. Ive had more lag only with Aussie1st. Anyways well played.

Did you see that ol Fart Laxman play ? Anywas bro, you gotta learn how to move the cursor, otherwise even with lag, runs are easy to come by. Well Batted & Bowled.

Hopefully we'll have another game tomorrow.

Gnite Dutchykoo

( ^ I said that in a totally manly, no gay manner , Just like ol' Duke )


Just beat the number 1 current player at this game Leeboy. (going by stats anyway)

Just remembered why i stopped playing this game online. Exploit custom fields, repetitive bowling, forcing you to be able to score in only 1 area.

BS. I hope you realise what that stands for.

Leeboy scored 95% of his runs off charge shots. Then preceded to set the typical exploit custom field and bowl in the same area 120 balls per game(20 over) (same length/same line) . Jesus, its so boring to play against. You're forced to take ones and two's the whole game just to ensure victory.

I ran myself out a couple of times which didn't help, but he did not once change length or line, just altered his field from time to time if i managed to get a lucky boundary.

Not a dig at Leeboy, more of a frustration that these sort of BS tactics work, its been used against me before but at least those said players did vary their line every couple of overs.

Yeah i won, but it was no fun what so ever. Why can't there be more Colins online, in kilts...


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^^ So he didnt quit? He quit on me 2 times when i was kicking his a**. Lots of member posted his name in the online quitters thread. You are lucky that he didnt quit.;)
^^ So he didnt quit? He quit on me 2 times when i was kicking his a**. Lots of member posted his name in the online quitters thread. You are lucky that he didnt quit.;)

Ha this does not surprise me. This dude was using every dirty trick under the sun, he probably only carried on because i was losing wickets to his crap.

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