PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread


Coool if i create a game will you join it?Rocky fancy a 20 over match?
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Sunny_pro 2009

Why waste half an hour of my time?:facepalm i Was 75 for 1 from 6 overs when he quit.:mad:I will only play trusted players from now on in 20 over games.Anyone fancy a game?I will create a 20 over match ifyou would like to join.
kishore123452010 quit on me
the strange thing is tht i won the match and tht guy quits the game when my team was celebrating with the trophy in hand.



sunnykinger added 1 Minutes and 17 Seconds later...

hey i am hosting a t20 game
anyone interested can join !
I've created a t20 game. anyone interested please join!
I give up.:mad:


sunnykinger added 7 Minutes and 18 Seconds later...

man you are crazy
first when i hosted the game
you joined the game and i already had south africa as my team but you also selected the same team and then i had to change my team
then i had to bowl coz you chose batting
and then i bowled like 17 overs and coz of this stupid glitch in the game , you didnt even tried and wait ....you just give up......thts gr8 man

20 over games.

Waste 45 minutes batting in a 20 over game and the game crashes.
Your bowler bowled 2 deliveries and he hit the stumps with his legs,Then i lost the next three deliveries,then the game crashed.
I wasnt best pleased as i was 190 for seven with 3 overs left.:facepalm.I waited 5 minutes,how long do you want me to wait?

jaraarrow added 5 Minutes and 22 Seconds later...

Anyone fancy trying to play and comnplete a 20 over game?
I can vouch for jaraarrow, he's a good sport! 5 minutes is more than necessary I believe.
this is not my fault tht you game crashed and i didnt knew tht ur game crashed
you said you give up
tht doesnt mean ur game crashed
yea you lost everything .....correct......only ur time is wasted
i did nothing right.......even i wanted to bat

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