PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

I am just saying that my pen is as big as my African brothers and that im not interested in men.

Easy there tiger.

I am not going to send you any Naked pictures of mine, no matter how much you coax me. Do you get it Dirty-Horny-Sex man !

Dirty horny sex man? Makes a change from being called a pervert i suppose.

Are you trying to get me banned ?

I just wanted to know if you've played Stevie at Ashes cricket...
I just wanted to know if you've played Stevie at Ashes cricket...

LOL, not yet mate. Maybe in Future :)

Why? Whats wrong with us?

But, But, But ....... Mr Burns. Ive heard that it Burns in the wrong places when you do it with men . Not to mention I like women. Maybe if you looked like Kim Kardashian ,Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, Scarlet Johansson or Katrina Kaif it would help .
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Why? Whats wrong with us?

I'm the one in the middle.

Was just playing some guy called AnDrOmEdA or something. It disconnected after 5 overs he was 40/1. Have played him before and something similar happened, shame as he batted very well.
Listen Tom Chestnut, I have been noticing that whenever i am having a conversation with anybody, you invariably butt in without having any business of yours. Me & Others are intelligent enough to know whats happening. Got it Grandma ? You don't have to leave us any of those quips or jump to conclusions on our behalf. I don't want to be personal , but you know it gets irritating after a while.


Now point me to the bit where what I said was wrong, and we can talk.

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