PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Just add charging to the creed ;)

Colin as much as i love you I'm not in the mood for your humour.

Actually, you just said creed. Ahhh sweet creed, everyone knows where they're at with good old creed.
Anyone wanna play right now? I've hosted a 20 Over game. I'm on 1.2 Open Beta version so only those with 1.2 update can play. Can't seem to find anyone :(
@Chris - sorry that wasn't a proper game. I was trying out Gas's advance slog theory. I certainly can't make it work as an exploit online!
I'll give you a proper game now if you want.
Hey people I'm new around here but really not a quitter. Anyone up for a T20? I just reinstalled the game and sticking with 1.0 version as not many people play 1.2 Beta ...empty most of the time.
shall we have a T20 game?

v.christu added 2 Minutes and 58 Seconds later...

@barmyarmy - hosted a T20 game. Can u join?
@Chris - sorry that wasn't a proper game. I was trying out Gas's advance slog theory. I certainly can't make it work as an exploit online!
I'll give you a proper game now if you want.

It only works against spinners. Yeah, you have to time it close to right, but because of the lack of speed variation with the spinners its possible to hit every ball for 6, or on a poorly timed shot mainly for four. I've spoken to NomaD about this in pm. Sadly he is not a very active poster.

But if he sees this im sure he will confirm.

It was impressive, best spin domination i have seen, but terrible news in regards to realism.

Also, i have heard about a new exploit which someone will show me tomorrow regarding fast bowling and yorkers. I hope it is not true. :(
sorry surender
game stuck

What happened? It was going very interesting :( You need 3 wickets I need around 6.3 RPO in last 7 or so. That should have gone down as a good thriller.
@barmyarmy - hosted a T20 game. Can u join?

Came as up connection lost. My rating is still 5* so it wasn't at my end.
You were bowling well although 2 of the 3 wickets were due to glitches/bugs.
Vaughan bowled when the game didn't lag it hung and suddenly I'd been bowled. KP - should have been an easy two runs but he didn't dive or run his bat in; just did the crap stop and turn slowly thing.

Sorry not to be able to finish the game.

barmyarmy added 0 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

@barmyarmy - my apologies. problem with my internet connection.

Don't worry about it. We'll complete one another time.
Check it. Lost connection and freezing still lose you points but not as many as quitting. I know it's a bit unfair but otherwise people would just rip out their network cables if they were losing.

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