PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Well back then I also was using a completely different PC (built this one 2 weeks ago), a different ISP, possibly a different model of router and living 137 metres north of where I am now.
Close enough.

barmyarmy added 0 Minutes and 43 Seconds later...

Make sure you haven't got the game running - I got a negative result with it running, but fine once I exited it. This tool helped me discover that.

Timed out on both.
loving the online experience.Only problem is that I cannot connect to a game..i have to create everytime

Congrats guys - looks like an excellent contest.

EarlCG added 4 Minutes and 39 Seconds later...

Timed out on both.
So you've definitely:
  1. Added an exception to your router firewall for it to forward UDP & TCP ports 9103.
  2. Added a port forward command to your router for UDP & TCP ports 9103, instructing it to forward on to your computers LAN IP. (Find it out by either looking at the DCHP list on your router or opening Command prompt and typing "ipconfig /all")
  3. Added an exception to your software firewall (I think we've confirmed you've done this)
Those are the three steps.
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So you've definitely:
  1. Added an exception to your router firewall forward UDP & TCP ports 9103 to your
  2. Added a port forward command to your router for UDP & TCP ports 9103, instructing it to forward on to your computers LAN IP. (Find it out by either looking at the DCHP list on your router or opening Command prompt and typing "ipconfig /all")
  3. Added an exception to your software firewall (I think we've confirmed you've done this)
Those are the three steps.

Here's what I've done. Not sure what else I can do.


  • router.jpg
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  • router2.jpg
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  • firewall.jpg
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  • firewal2l.jpg
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I'm not familiar with your O2 router at all but I notice there's a firewall option in the left hand menu on the two screenshots you've posted - can you show me what's on that page please?

EarlCG added 2 Minutes and 14 Seconds later...

Yeah - I'm pretty sure those two screenshots show that you've port forwarded but I've yet to see that you've added an exception to the router firewall.
how bad are the quitters on PC? Its horrible on ps3. At least 7/10 games are quit.
how bad are the quitters on PC? Its horrible on ps3. At least 7/10 games are quit.

I've had a few disconnects but they've always been preceded by lag so I've been confident that they've been due to connections. I haven't had anybody blatantly obviously quit on me, but other have. Without wishing to stereotype/generalise nor to start a "PC vs Consoles" debate (they both have their pros and cons), I do think there is a general difference in attitude between the PC and console communities.
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Figures, its probably all pre-teens. If they would take the effort to look into the rankings they would know that win and losses do not count! So quitting just denies both of us the stats!

anyhow, if it is not fixed in the patch, it will be height of incompetence on Codies part.
Figures, its probably all pre-teens. If they would take the effort to look into the rankings they would know that win and losses do not count! So quitting just denies both of us the stats!

Not necessarily the age group, although that's part of it, but I think the way the gaming experience works has a major bearing as well.

The consoles' are very much about "instant on"; you stick in a game, even if it's a game you've never played before and you're straight in there, playing right away. I don't believe the addition of operating systems on consoles have slowed the experience up much, have they? (The last home console I have owned was an N64.)

With PC's on the other hand you immediately have a far lengthier boot up process to go through every time your start up your machine. Then, if you've got a new game then, you've got to go through another sizeable wait while you run the install sequence; this might even require downloading and installing a patch, new graphics drivers or so on. Only once all that is done can you get playing. Basically you've naturally got to have some degree of patience built into your gaming psyche because your gaming routine just isn't as instantaneous as on a console. I think that mindset means that PC gamers are more willing to be patient if things aren't going particularly well for them at a certain time in-game.

I also think that generally multiplayer opponents on the consoles can seem a lot more faceless or less human than on the PC. Online gaming is still in it's relative infancy and the consoles and the means of communicating between players are still being established (although, AC2009 with it's complete lack of chat capabilities on all platform, is an anomaly). I do say this as somebody yet to own any net enabled console beyond a Nintendo DS though and unlikely to in the future (I might be tempted by a WII if it fell into my lap). Anyway - I think having it established in your mind that this a person you're playing against and not just the product of endless lines of code is more likely to make you see things through if you have any degree of conscience due to natural empathy.

Anyhow - that's just my hypothesis.

anyhow, if it is not fixed in the patch, it will be height of incompetence on Codies part.
I wouldn't get your hopes up, nor would I personally see it as incompetence. They'd choose not to do it because of the extra investment required in what would be, in their opinion, a non-essential feature for a game that's already sold the majority of copies it's going to. I don't think that can be labelled incompetent as there's defiantly some logic there, but it would be short sighted. They'd be gambling that people don't come away from AC2009 so frustrated from quitting issues that they'd hesitate from buying the next game in the series. The same applies with any other bug or issue they decide to leave in.

If they don't to anything about it in the next version (AC2010/11) then that will definitely be incompetent though.
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I'm not familiar with your O2 router at all but I notice there's a firewall option in the left hand menu on the two screenshots you've posted - can you show me what's on that page please?

EarlCG added 2 Minutes and 14 Seconds later...

Yeah - I'm pretty sure those two screenshots show that you've port forwarded but I've yet to see that you've added an exception to the router firewall.

I finally got into the router firewall settings (stupid O2 with their superuser thing) and even when I totally disabled the firewall the port still showed as closed.
I'd still try adding an exception for the port to the firewall rather than just shutting it down; sometimes shutting firewalls down doesn't do quite what you expect, although that's more with software firewalls.
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Any Aussies with the PC version yet? I'd be interested to try out just a 5 over game to test online :)
One thing i wanted check. there is no win or loss stats online, is this correct? all i could see was batting average, bowling average etc, so winning or loosing doesnt effect anyone anyway if there are no stats for wining and lossing. please correct me if i am wrong .
Yes that's right allioz, also i think stats are only recorded if you play a ranked game.
Has anyone else noticed obvious runouts given not outs in Online matches:eek:??? I had like 3 runouts given notouts in 3 consecutive overs:facepalm

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