PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Win, my xbox controller just arrived, its gonna take some getting used to, the analogue sticks are not aligned, but it is an awesome pad.

Now i can play back foot and charge shots i'm going to play the third test of my ashes series, 2-0 up so far. :laugh

i have 2 xbox wireless controllers
ashes 2009 works really good with this pad:)
just joined sunnykinger. will play with you after this match:p
Wait a minute:spy Maybe nick is also bad against slower balls thats why he was also crying:D:D.
I really wouldn't be taking pot shots at one of the people talking a lot of sense on this thread if I were you. Your reputation on here is already in the pits - do make it irrecoverable. Just accept that you were in the wrong and move on.

Anyway bowling these takes fun out of the game thus i have stopped using them excessively a long time back.
As long as the field isn't overly aggressive then slower balls aren't impossible to hit. You've just got to adjust your timing and consider using the charge footwork. I think coming down the pitch to slower balls is realistic, no?

P.S: Earl, can you give me a unranked 5 over match?? Gotta practice against slow medium pacers. The timing on online games seems to be a little different.

You're telling me that batting against against a living, breathing and thinking human player is different than playing against the flawed AI? Who'd have thought it? *rolls eyes*

For a start I'm at work for another four hours, so I can't currently.

Secondly I don't see why I should do you a favour of giving you practice - it's not in my interests to and, while I might be willing to for a friend, I'm just not feeling that kind of good will towards you at this moment.

Having said that, I'll happily give you another rated Twenty20 game later, now we've established our fielding rules. I'll have my PrintScreen finger ready just in case you "forget" them though.
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You're not the only one having problems barmyarmy.

First off I played against a new guy called gurubhai, who is presumably in Asia going on the name and his choice of the Asian All Star team. I got through 2.4 overs against getting him to 9/4 before the connection dropped. The screenshot below shows the first time we paused.


We only got one more ball in before the disconnect. It was actually an eventful ball as I dropped an orange catch in the slips, only for him to take a run as my fielder picked the ball and he went by yards. Presumably he was struggling with lag at that point, although there wasn't any lag for me in that game though, unlike...

Glad for that confirmation it wasn't just me (although since my ping to my Ventrilo server never went above 30, I guessed). Literally it took 5 seconds for my bowler to start his run up after I pressed the button, then after I delivered it then hang like the picture below for a good 10-15 seconds. On the third and fourth balls he'd shuffled across and so I aimed inswingers at his pad - on my screen the ball would appear to go through the wicket and go past the wicketkeeper who didn't dive, 5 seconds later it'd cut back for an LBW appeal and after another pause it cut to the umpire to giving him out. He dropped after that fourth ball.


So basically nickster09 needs to stop downloading. The lag was way worse than against xvalerianx and I can't believe he's on a worse connection than the aforementioned 64kps Indian line. Plus with his name and him playing as England suggesting he's from the UK, he simply must be playing with a torrent or P2P program running.

Earl_CG sorry here again. My game was freezed up. Video card issues. I know you had awesome start. Lets play some time again.
hi Guys,
I just played a dude called trucker8008 (i think). So i bowled first, varying line and length etc and he made about 150 all out. So he starts bowling and every single ball is either a slow or fast yorker at the stumps. dunno whether it was lag involved or not but basically i was either out bowled or lbw or could not get the ball away.

How should you approach batting shot selection if this is what the opponent is just going to do every ball?
Earl_CG sorry here again. My game was freezed up. Video card issues. I know you had awesome start. Lets play some time again.
No worries man - you gave a good explanation on the Codemaster's board. Look forward to gaming with you soon.

P.S. Try and avoid including all the images when quoting - just quote the relevant text ;)
I really wouldn't be taking pot shots at one of the people talking a lot of sense on this thread if I were you. Your reputation on here is already in the pits - do make it irrecoverable. Just accept that you were in the wrong and move on.

As long as the field isn't overly aggressive then slower balls aren't impossible to hit. You've just got to adjust your timing and consider using the charge footwork. I think coming down the pitch to slower balls is realistic, no?

You're telling me that batting against against a living, breathing and thinking human player is different than playing against the flawed AI? Who'd have thought it? *rolls eyes*

For a start I'm at work for another four hours, so I can't currently.

Secondly I don't see why I should do you a favour of giving you practice - it's not in my interests to and, while I might be willing to for a friend, I'm just not feeling that kind of good will towards you at this moment.

Having said that, I'll happily give you another rated Twenty20 game later, now we've established our fielding rules. I'll have my PrintScreen finger ready just in case you "forget" them though.

Didn't i just accepted my mistake in that last post(:what) IT was a mistake and i had accepted it. I was only trying to say that when i bowl those slower ones against nick i am playing in bad spirit and now when someone else is bowling like that" its not a problem anymore". Different yardstick for different people.

Anyway i have left those two matches in my past and since then had played 4 matches and ask any of my opponent if i had used those tactics or not. I had completely abandoned that. I have stopped using custom fields too. Also whn my opponent struggle agaisnt my bowling, i bowl freebies so that he wont accuse me of some new tactic:p
I'm hosting at20.wanna join?

I tried joining yours and some error came. Then played a 10 overs match against some called keed and he won by 5 wickets,chasing 55 in 7 overs.
Angry_Pixel - I think you're confusing me with someone else b/c I've never played with you. The only people I've played are Cricketer112, The_Gas, Valerian, and Stevie.

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