PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

sorry m8. must be someone else.

Hosting a Five over quick match. Join it anybody
I'm probably a few pages too late on this, but I don't see what is too wrong with Pixel's hyper-aggressive field. Makes sense, and I'd do the same if a guy was trying to hit out with two tailenders...
I'm probably a few pages too late on this, but I don't see what is too wrong with Pixel's hyper-aggressive field. Makes sense, and I'd do the same if a guy was trying to hit out with two tailenders...

You try playing against it mate. I was four wickets down at the time with Michael Hussey and Haddin (IIRC) at the crease - not playing with two tailenders. Despite them being high in confidence, with him bowling in the yellow consistently with the fast bowler, the timing window was tiny. That in itself wasn't a big issue - the problem was that if I did time it, it was almost always a catching chance, either by one the close fielders or the bowler.

There are two main problems with short fielders in this game:
  • They have a very large area of effect, particularly the short cover. Anything played between wideish mid off and forward point can present a catching opportunity for short cover.
  • The game slows down close catches too much. Even if you make a good connection with the ball and the fielder is only a couple of metres from the bat the fielding player gets a a comparatively large amount of time with the ball green to secure the catch. Considering how quickly the ball is going to the fielder it should be much shorter.

    With catches behind or to the slips I can understand it slowing down more as you must have edged it and so clearly made a mistake.
As I say, play against him using it and see what you think. If you're happy with it after that, then good for you - your free to use it against anybody else who agrees it's okay. However, I and apparently many others clearly feel it is too effective when you would never use it with a fast bowler in a Twenty20 IRL (if ever).
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im gonna host a game now. 2020 if anyone up 4 it?, please go easy with the yorkers!
You try playing against it mate. I was four wickets down at the time with Michael Hussey and Haddin (IIRC) at the crease - not playing with two tailenders. Despite them being high in confidence, with him bowling in the yellow consistently with the fast bowler, the timing window was tiny. That in itself wasn't a big issue - the problem was that if I did time it, it was almost always a catching chance, either by one the close fielders or the bowler.

There are two main problems with short fielders in this game:
  • They have a very large area of effect, particularly the short cover. Anything played between wideish mid off and forward point can present a catching opportunity for short cover.
  • The game slows down close catches too much. Even if you make a good connection with the ball and the fielder is only a couple of metres from the bat the fielding player gets a a comparatively large amount of time with the ball green to secure the catch. Considering how quickly the ball is going to the fielder it should be much shorter.

    With catches behind or to the slips I can understand it slowing down more as you must have edged it and so clearly made a mistake.
As I say, play against him using it and see what you think. If you're happy with it after that, then good for you - your free to use it against anybody else who agrees it's okay. However, I and apparently many others clearly feel it is too effective when you would never use it with a fast bowler in a Twenty20 IRL (if ever).

Oh dear, this matter wont die easily:p:p. Matches can be won without using this field and game is much more enjoyable.(just won my 3rd consecutive ODI match:D)
You try playing against it mate. I was four wickets down at the time with Michael Hussey and Haddin (IIRC) at the crease - not playing with two tailenders. Despite them being high in confidence, with him bowling in the yellow consistently with the fast bowler, the timing window was tiny. That in itself wasn't a big issue - the problem was that if I did time it, it was almost always a catching chance, either by one the close fielders or the bowler.

There are two main problems with short fielders in this game:
  • They have a very large area of effect, particularly the short cover. Anything played between wideish mid off and forward point can present a catching opportunity for short cover.
  • The game slows down close catches too much. Even if you make a good connection with the ball and the fielder is only a couple of metres from the bat the fielding player gets a a comparatively large amount of time with the ball green to secure the catch. Considering how quickly the ball is going to the fielder it should be much shorter.

    With catches behind or to the slips I can understand it slowing down more as you must have edged it and so clearly made a mistake.
As I say, play against him using it and see what you think. If you're happy with it after that, then good for you - your free to use it against anybody else who agrees it's okay. However, I and apparently many others clearly feel it is too effective when you would never use it with a fast bowler in a Twenty20 IRL (if ever).
If that's the case, then maybe it should be fixed in a patch. I didn't notice such issues in the demo, maybe I should test it out more...
You try playing against it mate. I was four wickets down at the time with Michael Hussey and Haddin (IIRC) at the crease - not playing with two tailenders. Despite them being high in confidence, with him bowling in the yellow consistently with the fast bowler, the timing window was tiny. That in itself wasn't a big issue - the problem was that if I did time it, it was almost always a catching chance, either by one the close fielders or the bowler.

There are two main problems with short fielders in this game:
  • They have a very large area of effect, particularly the short cover. Anything played between wideish mid off and forward point can present a catching opportunity for short cover.
  • The game slows down close catches too much. Even if you make a good connection with the ball and the fielder is only a couple of metres from the bat the fielding player gets a a comparatively large amount of time with the ball green to secure the catch. Considering how quickly the ball is going to the fielder it should be much shorter.

    With catches behind or to the slips I can understand it slowing down more as you must have edged it and so clearly made a mistake.
As I say, play against him using it and see what you think. If you're happy with it after that, then good for you - your free to use it against anybody else who agrees it's okay. However, I and apparently many others clearly feel it is too effective when you would never use it with a fast bowler in a Twenty20 IRL (if ever).

I agree with all of that. Also, when fielders dive, they always get the ball - it'd be nice to see them dive over the ball sometimes. Plus, I've never seen a ball saved on the boundary; I could save some of those boundaries if I got on my bike (not that I'm slow or anything, but I'm no pro sportsman).

AngryPixel just nailed me. I have to say playing with keyboard is the worst thing to do on top of lagging internet. Good game dude. Two thumbs up!!
Just finished clobbering "Dhirubhai". i was taking screenshots with fraps coz his innings was reminiscence of recent english middle order. I scored 97 of 5 overs and he was bowled out in 3 overs for 9 runs. Jhonsosn took a 5trick.:p

AngryPixel added 0 Minutes and 54 Seconds later...

hey dherubhai, wanna play another match???:p:p It would boost my stats:D:D

AngryPixel added 3 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

Can anyone tell me how to send invitations?? At the moment i create a game and wait for someone to join. There is a option of invitation in friends list but it is greyed. Only add friend and delete friend option are available
AngryPixel just nailed me. I have to say playing with keyboard is the worst thing to do on top of lagging internet. Good game dude. Two thumbs up!!
Having never played with the keyboard I only learnt about the limited 8 direction movement today. Honestly mate, that's just such a disadvantage to be dealing with, that you really need to be considering getting a 360 controller if you plan to play online at all regularly (which I hope you will).

EarlCG added 0 Minutes and 34 Seconds later...

Can anyone tell me how to send invitations?? At the moment i create a game and wait for someone to join. There is a option of invitation in friends list but it is greyed. Only add friend and delete friend option are available
It's bugged - you can only invite players to unranked games.
I'm not sure you only get the 8 directions. I'm technically playing with the keyboard just with ADWS mapped to my joypad as LRUD and I get 360 degree fine movement.
I am hosting a 5 over match. Join it someone:spy

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