PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Ok I'm just after trying out the online section again but there doesn't seem to be anyone online for the PC version...no-one!! I looked up the records for ranked matches on there only seems to be Planet cricket members like gas, BarmyArmy and stevie on the list.... so no-one out there is playing this online on the 1st weekend of release apart from a few PC members?!? surely this can't be right - am I missing something?

BTW thanks for the friends request EarlCG - oh don't worry I accepted :)
Right - had a tidy up and walked the dog, so I'm up for a game, if you're wanting to play Stevie now it's gone 11pm.
There's nobody online!? No matches, no records, nothing :noway

Since I'll be joining you guys when I get the game, I'd just like to know if you'd say that playing online is a lot of fun (assuming you're not playing with some complete idiot who bowls yorkers all the time)?

Also, are there any stats tracking online - wins/defeats/accomplishments and so on and if so, is there a way to have separate profiles, so others who live with you can have their own 'career'?
Since I'll be joining you guys when I get the game, I'd just like to know if you'd say that playing online is a lot of fun (assuming you're not playing with some complete idiot who bowls yorkers all the time)?

Also, are there any stats tracking online - wins/defeats/accomplishments and so on and if so, is there a way to have separate profiles, so others who live with you can have their own 'career'?
Yes & yes. :)

There's also about three sets of stats for each game type Ashes/Test/ODI/T20). When you enter the online component you are asked to create/choose an account to login with. You can sign up for multiple accounts - just login with the one you want stats to be recorded with.

I just played Ricco_M in T20 which (I think it's fair to say) I won fairly convicingly in the end. He had me worried early on though, as he was taking advantage of the free hits I was giving him. Unfortunately while I was struggling with my no balls, he struggled with his running between the wickets, losing three batsmen via this method. That left him about 32/3 after 3 overs, but from there I tied him up quite nicely and dismissed him for 67 with some nice slip catching thrown in.

Unfortunately Ricco couldn't take advantage of the few opportunities I gave to him and I knocked the runs off without loss.


The result aside, I really enjoyed that and I am positive about the mileage this has as an online game :)
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Not tonight, lol. They'd currently rather I didn't have a channel that was nothing to do with them. I'll do some negotiating over the next couple of days. ;)

Server up.
I just played Ricco_M in T20 which (I think it's fair to say) I won fairly convicingly in the end. He had me worried early on though, as he was taking advantage of the free hits I was giving him. Unfortunately while I was struggling with my no balls, he struggled with his running between the wickets, losing three batsmen via this method. That left him about 32/3 after 3 overs, but from there I tied him up quite nicely and dismissed him for 67 with some nice slip catching thrown in.

Unfortunately Ricco couldn't take advantage of the few opportunities I gave to him and I knocked the runs off without loss.

The result aside, I really enjoyed that and I am positive about the mileage this has as an online game :)

Yeah that was a bit of a whitewash mate - the end of my innings was quite painful to watch lol and i won't even mention my bowling or catching

Online mode looks promising though, played well (except I had no sound - hopefully a one off). It's a pity there is no text communication though and at the moment there is a small volume of people playing - hopefully this will pick up.

EarlCG - hopefully I will give you a better game next time - but I really suck at this game ATM!!
Right - we're up and running.

If you have a microphone, then all you need is to download the Ventrilo client for free from here.

After installing, open Ventrilo and enter a username. This is done by clicking the arrow next to the username field, then "New" and you should be able to guess the rest.

Then click this link: ventrillo:\\vent16.gameservers.com:4875 (Edit: Grrr,... Firefox won't open the link properly :()

If need to enter the server information manually (via the arrow next to the server field), name it as you did your username, then the server IP is vent16.gameservers.com and the port is 4875.

To set up how Ventrilo lets you speak, you need to go into "Setup" (button is on the left hand side) where you can specify the key you wish to bind (it can be a controller button :) ) to the left of the option.

That's the rudimentaries - any problems, let me know.
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Game just locked up whilst playing RiccoM. :mad: Having scored 198 off my 20 overs and having him 30 something for 8 off 10 overs, that is a tad annoying.
:( Bad luck. We had an aborted game without a ball being bowled before we got the second game going.

You up for a game now or hitting the sack?
Game just locked up whilst playing RiccoM. :mad: Having scored 198 off my 20 overs and having him 30 something for 8 off 10 overs, that is a tad annoying.

That was a real hiding you gave me stevie - do you know what happened?? I think you were going to win....lol.. It was playing fine for me then it just said player has been disconnected from game... hope this isn't a regular occurance
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