PC MutliPlayer Match Up Thread

Hey guys want to make a great score against someone then that will be salman.
I think he is a new guy or his bowling and fielding is really weak.
I scored 209/2 in 10 overs (he dropped over 7 catches) and I knocked him all out at 69(7.2overs)
But he is really good batsman, he started hitting me at first then I got back my rhythm:happy.
To increase your rank play with "salman" LOL.:rtfl
Hey guys want to make a great score against someone then that will be salman.
I think he is a new guy or his bowling and fielding is really weak.
I scored 209/2 in 10 overs (he dropped over 7 catches) and I knocked him all out at 69(7.2overs)
But he is really good batsman, he started hitting me at first then I got back my rhythm:happy.
To increase your rank play with "salman" LOL.:rtfl

Taking a computer game a bit too serious, are we?
Well i played too many games but didnt complete much but i dont care and have fun while batting.Played with some good guys and some bad.And seriously i dont care about winning or losing as it doenst count anyway
I just want to ask.(Not complaining)
If you are only moving the cursor then why it shows that firstly the cursor is in the middle stump then when run up starts cursor suddenly moves to short in length then when you bowl it comes down to my pads. And why it don't show any sliding of cursor instead of sudden change? Is this the game bug?

Anyone? :help
Had a ripper against rpspychic I needed 78 to win from 5 overs and was 11/0 in first and later I required 19 runs of last over (Power play) and I manage to do that in 5 balls!!! admittedly we both bowled some very bad deliveries throughout the match.
is it me or does anyone else find too much lag wen in bat, my connection is fast enough for all other online games.
the bowling is fine but batting is becoming irritating cause of the lag.
i still never quit though.:laugh
Had a ripper against rpspychic I needed 78 to win from 5 overs and was 11/0 in first and later I required 19 runs of last over (Power play) and I manage to do that in 5 balls!!! admittedly we both bowled some very bad deliveries throughout the match.
it was me rpsychic that was involved in a cracker of a match
Yeah I noticed that. It ruined the final moments of our game, which was pretty tense. As far as your different line and lengths advice is concerned, I normally do. It's just you struggled so much against the line I was bowling at that I saw it counterproductive to change it. I did change the length though. Anyway, the point is you don't fix what isn't broken. You wouldn't see international bowlers suddenly changing their lines if the opposition is struggling against a particular line. Plus, it's not like I bowl yorker after yorker nor are my field settings stacked toward one side. Plus my line is the off-stump to middle stump line, which is what you're taught in real life. And you can hit both sides of the wicket using it, just there is a lot of risk involved because of my field settings, which is just smart of me. The only reason someone would get frustrated is because they aren't making as many runs as they feel they should, when in reality, they're just being outwitted. I'm not pulling any cheap tricks.

only McGrath can bowl those lines with painstakingly accuracy, sadly he is retired. Anyways, I provided my advice. Its your choice to take it or leave it. I was still able to derive some fun out of the game though....
I'm getting this game tomorrow,
reading about all the fun you guys are having I cant wait:happy
Heys guys! whoever aint a pussy who wud jus run off when u r losing and who ever aint a prick who has a slow net connection,add me up!!

ID : vivacious_beast

If u thnk u r ready for the beast... gimme an invite and prepare to meet the beast
Had a nice game against 'sunnykinger'. Batting 1st he tonked me around for 15 RPO, me dropping two catches. He finally got to 76/0 of 5 overs.

I started well and mannaged to reach the target 4.3 overs, with loss of 2 wickets.


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I think something has to be done (in a patch) urgently to address the imbalance between spinners and pacers.
For example in my last match, my opponent scored 34 a.o. after at one point being 28-0 thanks to a huge 28 run over off Hinds. He then lost all his wickets facing my RFMs and RFs.
Then, in my innings, I got there in 1.4 overs thanks to a 27 run over off Singh.
It's stupid! Short of bowling ridiculously full or ridiculously short, there is nothing you can do with spinners online - and I didn't advance down the wicket even once.
If anyone has any tips on how to use spinners, I'll welcome them. I just think it's more likely a bug in the game. :(

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