PC version 1.20.1 released

The season is a factor, there's different weather sets for those things (english summer, etc).

Ok one more hit of the deceased equine: if you pick "real world data" and have an option to set tours at any time of year somebody at the design phase has to ask "what if some douchebag tries to play cricket in winter?" and the answer to that cannot be "we'll pretend it's summer" otherwise there is no point in the option.

And the real world data is wrong. In England, there are clouds nearly all the time, even in summer. Also, it generally rains now and again...
Has anyone tried making a series in the dead of English Winter to test the real-world theory? Curious...
I havent played this game since the accident but honestly I know its difficult but I think we should be able to select whether its cloudy or not like how we can choose rain. Have two options 'Cloudy- Chance of rain' and 'Cloudy- No chance of rain', surely that could solve it? Since this is such a big factor in edges (Not that I would know, never played in cloudy weather) and it would fix the bowling (for now) it should be something fixed by patch 3... If not well then

Has anyone tried making a series in the dead of English Winter to test the real-world theory? Curious...

Yeah that's what me and Matt are talking about now - their "real world data" (it deserves the sceptical quotes) doesn't actually reflect the season... Which as I say makes it a nonsense.
Roger that. It's plausible then any 'real world' (in diplomatic quotes) data only accounts for cricket-weather and not non-cricket weather. Which removes my comedy element of being able to schedule matches against Matt during Autumn in Winterfell.
In England, there are clouds nearly all the time, even in summer. Also, it generally rains now and again...
See, if you'd mentioned this a few years ago... Perhaps an @Ross funded fact-finding mission might help for next time.

their "real world data" (it deserves the sceptical quotes) doesn't actually reflect the season
They are all called Location Summer - there is no attempt made or implied that they are supposed to be year round and adjusting for particular seasons. That would be nice, I'd like to see that in the next game, but that's not something claimed as a feature in this one.

The real world data statement comes from the use of actual weather data from the regions that are represented as the source for the weather implementation, so that you are getting realistic weather in the sense that weather has in the past unfolded the way it will in the game - so realistic adjustments to how the temperature would rise and fall over the day, how the wind speed might vary, etc. Again, that is to distinguish against weather systems that just roll a dice - and spit out 'conditions'.

I'm not attempting to defend the system - I'm simply trying to explain it to the best of my understanding, mostly to highlight that what are suggested as simple changes generally aren't.
Whatever the truths of the matter, I agree with a previous poster


This applies to everything gameplay related from now on ;)
I think it's clear at this juncture that @MattW has screwed the pooch with these weather systems in the game. Therefore; any future DBC weather-related mechanics need a fully-funded barometric research expedition launched to all the major cricket grounds around the globe. I for one, wish to volunteer my services unto this course of great importance, to which end, I can promise the most accurate Microsoft Office 98 excel-based data collection of weather for any cricket game ever, which I will print out on glossy paper at @BigAntStudios expense, staple into a manila folder and spill only 6% of my coffee on it in the process.


...Biggs will fix. Rally around your new hero, PlanetCricket.
See, if you'd mentioned this a few years ago... Perhaps an @Ross funded fact-finding mission might help for next time.

They are all called Location Summer - there is no attempt made or implied that they are supposed to be year round and adjusting for particular seasons. That would be nice, I'd like to see that in the next game, but that's not something claimed as a feature in this one.

The real world data statement comes from the use of actual weather data from the regions that are represented as the source for the weather implementation, so that you are getting realistic weather in the sense that weather has in the past unfolded the way it will in the game - so realistic adjustments to how the temperature would rise and fall over the day, how the wind speed might vary, etc. Again, that is to distinguish against weather systems that just roll a dice - and spit out 'conditions'.

I'm not attempting to defend the system - I'm simply trying to explain it to the best of my understanding, mostly to highlight that what are suggested as simple changes generally aren't.

I don't buy that it's not a simple change - if it's selecting data from a spreadsheet, and that data is "realworlddata"TM then that data must include various cloudy, overcast days with differing temperature, humidity, chance of rain etc so we should have an option to pick that and it would find and pick the "realworlddata"TM that was appropriate.

Instead of making a random choice (sunny again) it makes a constrained choice (random from cloudy etc.)
....or someone can stick me on a plane to Birmingham? Rally! KING OF THE NORTH!
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Really... SELECT FROM WHERE isn't really more complicated than SELECT FROM...

In fact I bet it's already SELECT FROM WHERE so all you need to add is extra conditions.
Cant you just go take the data collected and duplicate rainy days in for sunny days...
Unless it's a misleading name, Random - no chance of rain is already doing the exact same thing we are asking for, since it should be selecting any weather (clear, cloudy, overcast etc) as long as the rain % is zero. All we are asking for is the same constrained selector, but on cloudy, or overcast etc. (if that's not what it does, how is it different to "fine" or whatever the non-random choice is called)

We're not asking for a system to be re-engineered, we're asking for more choices within the system.
...what they're really asking for is Business Class tickets, for me and @SnowyCasanova (he needs to be there to carry the PC with Office98) hotel accomodation and I'll get the real world low-down and expose what's REALLY going on with Cricketing weather in this blue orb we call earth...

(Am I helping guys? I feel like I'm helping...)

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