PC version 1.20.1 released

I really want to keep getting feedback on the new patch update - just to keep bugging people for that.

It's another one of those things that's not that simple thanks to the initial design decision. The implementation was for weather conditions based on a big database of days of weather conditions, based on real world data - and then the game pulls in at random from those to decide what the weather for the day is going to be, with the 'no chance of rain' toggle just being to just override the forecast of rain.

As such, my understanding is that to increase the chance of rain, you'd need to bump up the rain values over hundreds of days over the different ground location types, or somehow find a subset of days where it rains more than others for the game to pull the weather conditions from, or bump up the base multiplier on how often 'likely' rain turns into rain. You can substitute 'rain' with the other weather conditions like wind, cloudification, etc.

Obviously the positive of the rain system is that it isn't just totally random, which would probably manifest itself as the game raining on you just as you had a chance to go for a win in a test match, and then leaving you with a draw - because you have bad luck like that. Random always has a way of feeling like cheating, and no one need utter the words 'scripted randomness'.

One tip I'd probably give from a quick glance at the data, try moving your match types to be played in the dead of night, there seemed to be more weather variation in the early/late hours of the day than during the middle of the day. But that spreadsheet is literally massive, so I might have a misleading sample in what I saw of it.

As with a lot of things - the feedback is heard, there's lots of things that haven't turned out right that need to be done differently in the next game, but the problem becomes not having the resources to forever be working on DBC14.

So anyway, you were about to tell me your thoughts on those new lofted sweeps...

@MattW @BigAntStudios - well coming back to this (been away for the weekend) i'm afraid if this is supposed to be the implementation, it doesn't work even on it's own terms.

I set up the current Ashes, but being played in England late October - mid December. Go to play the first match, starting 26 October in England, Lancashire stadium:

and I got this weather:

As I can testify by looking out of my window right now, it's not that nice in England in July. Real world data ???

Please let us control weather.
Positives: nurdles work well, nice addition though I need to work on my dexterity to play it properly. Additional slog sweep power is great: hit several for one or two bounce fours, and one reverse for 6 - it was quite a gap in the shot selection and great to have it now.

Negatives: got some odd defensive field that the AI only went to once I was 8 down.
Weather - I tried playing in October and again November in England to try and get cloud cover: both times clear and well over 20c, it's odd to make AI edges affected by a weather condition you're determined to suppress.
well coming back to this (been away for the weekend) i'm afraid if this is supposed to be the implementation, it doesn't work even on it's own terms.
It isn't based on the calendar in that way, as my post stated "and then the game pulls in at random from those to decide what the weather for the day is going to be". Yes - quite clearly it should be, but changing that isn't a patch thing.
It isn't based on the calendar in that way, as my post stated "and then the game pulls in at random from those to decide what the weather for the day is going to be". Yes - quite clearly it should be, but changing that isn't a patch thing.
I'm not expecting you to have the answer to this, it's kind of rhetorical... But why on earth would the game go to such lengths to prevent the user being able to control something so fundamental to the final experience as weather is to cricket: genuinely baffling.
It isn't based on the calendar in that way, as my post stated "and then the game pulls in at random from those to decide what the weather for the day is going to be". Yes - quite clearly it should be, but changing that isn't a patch thing.

And really so the whole thing of selecting the season (English summer etc.) and dates of tours is entirely cosmetic, since the game will just pick "any old" weather at random, any old being "fine, clear" a huge majority (much greater than chance) of the time.

Such a strangely over engineered solution to give such a poor, constrained result. I'm gonna stop flogging this dead horse now but still - really a head scratcher how with all the good design decisions in the game that for such an important thing they ended up with that!
This has been said many times but I just want to add to the conversation: It is a shame that these patches are not improving the bowling experience whatsoever. The batting has been fine for a while now, and though the subtle changes to batting are appreciated, the game is really lacking in the bowling department. I would understand if a member of BA stated that improving the bowling is not possible at this point, but we have heard nothing from them on the matter. It doesn't appear that future patches will fix the problems so many have addressed either. While these long awaited patches are great, they don't address the real problems with the game.
And really so the whole thing of selecting the season (English summer etc.) and dates of tours is entirely cosmetic, since the game will just pick "any old" weather at random, any old being "fine, clear" a huge majority (much greater than chance) of the time.
The season is a factor, there's different weather sets for those things (english summer, etc).
I have Xbox wireless controller... if that's what you mean, sir.
and i have 1.20.1 beta update installed.
guess I'm pressing it completely when i hit the ball.... i have to try harder :p;)

I'm having the same issue in that if I push the modifier halfway it plays a drive rather than a block. It might be the age of my Xbox controller playing apart. I also have the beta uploaded.
I'm having the same issue in that if I push the modifier halfway it plays a drive rather than a block
That's essentially correct behaviour - it should be much more powerful than the block, but less so than the no trigger/aggressive ground shot.
Why does the on side skill adds up +1 even though it's a drop catch or may be for and edge also...
And really so the whole thing of selecting the season (English summer etc.) and dates of tours is entirely cosmetic, since the game will just pick "any old" weather at random, any old being "fine, clear" a huge majority (much greater than chance) of the time.

Such a strangely over engineered solution to give such a poor, constrained result. I'm gonna stop flogging this dead horse now but still - really a head scratcher how with all the good design decisions in the game that for such an important thing they ended up with that!
The weather needs to be a factor that is added into the mix rather than being the fundamental basis of the game: the pitch conditions and the skills and attributes of the players need to be the fundamental basis: good bowlers can gain something out of a pitch whatever the conditions and bad bowlers can gain nothing from a cloudy day. However if you are going to make weather such a determining factor then we as players need to be able to control that fully.

The amount of depth in the game potentially is incredible but it strands at the surface because parts arent talking to each other well enough....its like a computer: the slowest part will clog all of it whatever the rest of the hardware.[DOUBLEPOST=1437981314][/DOUBLEPOST]
some people learn from their mistakes

that's better....... :p
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It would really be awesome if the weather effects , and the Pitch conditions thats mostly randomized , (but chosen as a fixed) could be sorted in the next correction of Patch 3 . Really getting on my nerves when selecting a Dry Hard Prestine pitch for an online T20 , and you get the opposite.

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