PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Carn Tornadoes! Just to damn good for this lot.
I don't think so buddy.

So about the comment that you guys don't post all day. Strange, because there's been about 15 pages today and most of them are you guys. Hopefully we can get spammers like Zorax doing it more here. And tassie's wit will bowl you unoriginal cheerleaders cleanly.
Why do you not get facts. We have too much quality. You can not win!

We are the Tornadoes! We're the best there is, the best there was, and the best there bloody well ever will be.
I don't think so buddy.

So about the comment that you guys don't post all day. Strange, because there's been about 15 pages today and most of them are you guys. Hopefully we can get spammers like Zorax doing it more here. And tassie's wit will bowl you unoriginal cheerleaders cleanly.
Unoriginal ceherleaders! I was just hooked up with a half dozen toothless cheerleaders that I was told, by your source mind you, that they were, are, and will continue to be your personal posse of fluffers at tours end. Bowling them over could be fun, I've got a cousin that can fix 2nd hand wheelchairs on the cheap :happy
How is this thread still going on? And another 15 pages since I left. I though it was settled - PC to pwn TFLSOSLFLSLFELSwhatchymacallit.
PC=Personal Computer. This means that they can not do anything by themselves, and have to have someone do it for them. Leaves them inept at playing cricket, as their captain can't do anything for him/herself. If, of course, they were actually able to choose a captain.
Look, the only way the trifosntif team are going to win over PC is if they rig the sim.

End of, bedtime, goodnight. Catch my point? Probably not as your all so up each others arses you can only see large there team mates dinner from the night before.

PC to take it all! ODI and Test.

And yeah, you're all a bunch of dirty spam whores
Nah, bedtime is in around 12 hours now you mention it. Theres quite a bit of booze to be shifted in the house before that though! Although im sure most of the TFFSL (looked at the thread title again, god daym why cant you guys make it simple) couldn't drink even a quarter of what me, or Griffo, or most of PC could.

I mean, we should be comparing other things cricketing, but seeing as you guys apperently "know your drink," its topical.
Why do you not get facts. We have too much quality. You can not win!

We are the Tornadoes! We're the best there is, the best there was, and the best there bloody well ever will be.

That was Bret Hart:)

PC=Personal Computer. This means that they can not do anything by themselves, and have to have someone do it for them. Leaves them inept at playing cricket, as their captain can't do anything for him/herself. If, of course, they were actually able to choose a captain.

You got it wrong there. PC=Planet Cricket:)
Just thinking about the amount of posts I would have if I was on earlier. :p

PC are gonna own TFFSL anyway so this thread is irrelevant.

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