PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!


I was practicing my slower ball today. I was able to get it down to 150km/h...Im still working on it to get it down to a respectable speed.
I hope you weren't practicing against TBNB. He'd put you in your place just like the Indians put Tait in his place. :confused:
Easily changed. Wow magic :rolleyes:

So I was right then and you changed it. Well done. Brilliant use of the word "Magic" too. Pure genius:rolleyes:

Really. It seems that once we take out the swearing all you have left is, "Oh, but we're going to win!" Sounds like my 5-year-old cousin quarreling with my 7-year old cousin.

You're being very selective on this comment. There have been plenty of posts from TF guys that legitimately promote good banter between members of the 2 sites
I could say that when you take away PC members complaints, English lessons and personal insults there's been pretty much nothing to contribute to the banter that's supposed to be going on in this thread

What's a word going to do? Ask Harbhajan.

I used that reference in banter and copped -10 rep points from an unknown member. You have a point.

There are plenty of intelligent discussions on PlanetCricket, which would probably come as a surprise to you. Most of you don't seem to be aware of the fact that the Cricsim forum is but a small part of this large community. PC isn't a "fantasy sports league".

But this IS a fantasy league thread. This is not the only site for serious, intelligent discussion on Cricket. That's not why we're here. On other sites you'd be looked on as being of lower IQ because you like to talk about sport which they would view as being of lower intellect. Just because we enjoy a bit of banter and exercise our imagination doesn't mean we're any less educated or have lower IQs. You're actually showing more ignorance and arrogance than intellect if that's what you believe.

I feel no need to denigrate myself to impress you with my "sledging" on an online forum.

Oh, but you are. And most of it is personal, not like the kind of fun sledging that is supposed to be thrown around in fantasy sports

My point, which failed to introduce itself to you, was, quite simply, that once you take the cussing out of it, we all end up saying the same thing. Apart from TBNB, who seems like he is in the middle of junior high, most of your posters are almost double the age of our posters. Surely you can be expected to make wittier comments without having to swear, or complaining about not being able to swear?

I think you'll find that most of our posters are actually in their highschool years. You must be pretty proud of your efforts to talk them down.:hpraise

Explore the site, mate! I'm sure you'll find plenty of topics which are actually quite a bit more interesting than a fantasy sports series between two fake teams simulated by a broken piece of computer software.

The fantasy sports is just a bit of fun where we can all get together and enjoy some harmless banter. We don't get offended by someone using their imagination to bag the crap out of us. A lot of the banter in these games is actually very creative and challenging. You, with your great intelect, seem to be missing the point completely. Use your imagination, enjoy yourself and leave the serious posting for the serious sections of the forum.

There. I managed to get through a whole post without swearing. A MIRACLE!!
Well, I'm sure that's what you'll be concentrating on anyway.
Feel free to pick out any errors in spelling and gramar because I can't be bothered proof-reading it before I post.

Maybe you can start a new thread pointing out all the errors from TF members and post a link to the thread so we can all go there and study what you teach so that maybe one day we can all be as smart as you. :clapPlease do it, we'll be forever in your debt :upray

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I hope you weren't practicing against TBNB. He'd put you in your place just like the Indians put Tait in his place. :confused:
Nah, I had a dummy in there. I dont want to hurt them before the series even starts. Want it to be a clean series aye?
Nah, I had a dummy in there. I dont want to hurt them before the series even starts. Want it to be a clean series aye?
Yep i would be laughing so hard my sides would split.:D
Australia says No to Terrorism and I would like to think PC thinks the same.
Nah it has nothing to do with the fact of timezones :rolleyes: It couldn't be that :noway

From the fact that you and your fellow members have to constantly swear, I'm assuming you have very low IQs. And yes I am eating my scones in my lovely castle. Jeffery come along dear chap. And Joe. Last night was great, you really performed well. I can't wait to get these boys in the showers after the first match. They are going to be sore. ;)

Scottish people play cricket??
Who the hell gave me the rep about my mum? That is just sick. If you mods aren't double standard you'll delete that from my account.

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