PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

toughen up TBNB, who cares, just bag the hell out of them

Good call eth, we'll bag the hell out of them:cool:

Uh-oh, expect the mods to pounce on that one ED.

It's pretty simple, just don't swear.

If you PC boys are having trouble remembering more than 2 letters in our forum name, and a lot of you seem to be having trouble with TFFSL, just call us TF or if you want you can call us The Tornadoes:thumbs

Now that's all sorted out you guys had better start to accept that we're here to beat you guys in all areas of this series. We've got a disadvantage being on your turf with your rules so we have to adjust to the conditions but we've got plenty of time to prepare and will be an absolute force once the series is under way.

Look out PC. You're about to get your butts handed to you on a platter.:D
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Well said JM.

Carn Tornadoes! We'll kill these guys just like we did in the Ashes!
Well banter is banter, but calling OUR moderators and staff bias and saying they cannot do thier job properly seems to me to be one step too far.
Well banter is banter, but calling OUR moderators and staff bias and saying they cannot do thier job properly seems to me to be one step too far.
Never said they can't do their job properly. Just said that they're biased.
Well being biased in a job such as moderation OR staffing on a forum with 20,000 members does kinda say they cannot do thier jobs properly.

As Jarman Magic says, you boys are across here to play our guys, live by the rules our staff lay down and prepare for what should be a good series. Don't take it as far as to claim the mod's are bias and what not, there's no need. They aren't involved, well most aren't anywho.
Well what response do we expect from you. Hooper is the only one on this site who gets any respect from us.

We're gonna wipe the floor with you guys, i can't wait.
Can I have a grilled poppadom with chutney please?

I need something to fill my stomach after the big night at the Soakers Pub.
Thanks for the service sohum. What exactly was in those drinks anyway?
We have a farm full of animals right next to the Soakers stadium (no, we're not referring to the hotel that your guys are staying in--that's on the other side and is far more vile) who enjoy exercising their urinary systems.

Well what response do we expect from you. Hooper is the only one on this site who gets any respect from us.

We're gonna wipe the floor with you guys, i can't wait.
We aren't looking for respect. Why would we be looking for respect from people who we are going to be humiliating on the cricket field and off it?
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Well what response do we expect from you. Hooper is the only one on this site who gets any respect from us.

We're gonna wipe the floor with you guys, i can't wait.

:eek: What, that drunk Australian clown? Dudes, you need help, if Hooper gets respect then theres must be red carpet down for atleast 100 members of PC.
We have a farm full of animals right next to the Soakers stadium (no, we're not referring to the hotel that your guys are staying in--that's on the other side and is far more vile) who enjoy exercising their urinary systems.

We aren't looking for respect. Why would we be looking for respect from people who we are going to be humiliating on the cricket field and off it?
I'd take Bushy over you anyday of the week. God i wish we could have kept those avatars up.
I'd take Bushy over you anyday of the week. God i wish we could have kept those avatars up.
Didn't expect you to have anything imaginative to say when your mates aren't around to defend you. Too bad even with your mates around you you won't know how to deal with Panthers cricket.
Panthers cricket. And what is that exactly? I'm guessing it would be fitness based when you guys are chasing balls all the way to the boundary.
We have a farm full of animals right next to the Soakers stadium (no, we're not referring to the hotel that your guys are staying in--that's on the other side and is far more vile) who enjoy exercising their urinary systems.

I'm not staying at the hotel. I've been fortunate enough to find alternative accommodation with a few various ladies who have been very gracious hosts.

Well, at the risk of setting off the swear filter I'll say that we've been known to enjoy a night out on the **** (*another word for urine if it's censored) but that's taking things a bit too far. Oh well, I know we're not in Rome but "when in Rome..." and you guys obviously enjoy it because you all guzzled it down when it was my shout.

I also find that easy to believe as it's evident you guys like to take the **** (*same as above) out of anything you consider to be inferior but remember to tread carefully otherwise they'll crap all over you.

Now I'll just sit back and wait for all the "you're talking crap" comments or similar crap comebacks.
:eek: What, that drunk Australian clown? Dudes, you need help, if Hooper gets respect then theres must be red carpet down for atleast 100 members of PC.
Shut your mouth.

Your nothing, another "Iwishiwasamodandiwillkissanyonesasstogethere".
:eek: What, that drunk Australian clown? Dudes, you need help, if Hooper gets respect then theres must be red carpet down for atleast 100 members of PC.

Way to talk up one of your team mates:hpraise
I congratulate you on your team spirit.

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