PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

I would have preferred a TV character. Hmmm, maybe Sandy from 'Monkey'.
Oh no, I said 'monkey'. Damn, did it again.
I would have preferred a TV character. Hmmm, maybe Sandy from 'Monkey'.
Oh no, I said 'monkey'. Damn, did it again.
Born from an egg on a mountain top,
The funkiest maa ki that ever popped?

It's the best way to escape suspension.
I thought I'd stay away for a few days hoping the PC guys would learn a bit about banter.
Ha... Asif Muttjabba!

It's still all crap about spelling, grammar and IQ. No idea at all.
...waiting in anticipation for more comments about TF guys being brainless, uneducated, inferior people (or is it maa kis?)to the PC gods

And you guys deliberately mis-spelling our forum all the time... pure comedy GOLD!! Very impressive. I'm almost left speechless by the genius that oozes from the PC members. How do they come up with such a funny idea?
...I have no response that could possibly compare to such brilliance

I have noticed a few of your guys getting into the spirit of things from time to time though. Thumbs up for the effort:thumbs

What's the go with sigs here?
I tried to add one but it's not showing. Nothing bad, I promise:p
I noticed a few guys here have them though. Is it banned for TF members?
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I thought I'd stay away for a few days hoping the PC guys would learn a bit about banter.
Ha... Asif Muttjabba!

Mujtaba. Close though

It's still all crap about spelling, grammar and IQ. No idea at all.

It wouldn't be, but you keep providing us with such brilliant material as seen above. Try and pick a spelling mistake in my whole post. I dare you. You won't. That's because I'm perfect. You should strive to improve, I've stopped unfortunately, as I've reached the peak of posting brilliance and there is no further to go. The only thing left to do when you reach this stage is turn your head backwards and laugh at those who are still halfway, or, in your case, heading backwards, if anything.

...waiting in anticipation for more comments about TF guys being brainless, uneducated, inferior people (or is it maa kis?)to the PC gods

TF guys are brainless, uneducated, and inferior people to the PC gods. Please continue to anticipate my posts. Makes writing them a lot simpler.

And you guys deliberately mis-spelling our forum all the time... pure comedy GOLD!! Very impressive. I'm impressed by the genius that oozes from the PC members. How do they come up with such a funny idea?
...I have no response that could possibly compare to such brilliance

TSFSFSFFFFFLSFSLLL. Thought I'd just throw it in, no point in tampering with a winning formula. Don't go back on your word and come up with a response.

I have noticed a few of your guys getting into the spirit of things from time to time though. Thumbs up for the effort:thumbs

This was boring. Post more interesting paragraphs and I'll dignify them with more interesting responses. Nice posts make you sound like a bit of an Ian Thorpe.

What's the go with sigs here?
I tried to add one but it's not showing. Nothing bad, I promise:p
I bolded your problem. No point in having a sig which isn't bad when your username, avatar, posting, and presumably your appearance is horribly bad. It smacks of hypocrisy.

I noticed a few guys here have them though. Is it banned for TF members?
No, they come when you're born. If you have one, you are considered male, and if you don't you are considered female. I'm sure a few of the other TF members have them. I apologise if I took this out of context and you were actually still talking about the sigs.
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Good going tassie keep up the great banter.U really tickle my funny bone with ur posts btw if Bush's our opening bowler than you people stand Not a chance of winning(Forgot Bush is all corrupt)
Mujtaba. Close though

It wouldn't be, but you keep providing us with such brilliant material as seen above. Try and pick a spelling mistake in my whole post. I dare you. You won't. That's because I'm perfect. You should strive to improve, I've stopped unfortunately, as I've reached the peak of posting brilliance and there is no further to go. The only thing left to do when you reach this stage is turn your head backwards and laugh at those who are still halfway, or, in your case, heading backwards, if anything.

TF guys are brainless, uneducated, and inferior people to the PC gods. Please continue to anticipate my posts. Makes writing them a lot simpler.

TSFSFSFFFFFLSFSLLL. Thought I'd just throw it in, no point in tampering with a winning formula. Don't go back on your word and come up with a response.

This was boring. Post more interesting paragraphs and I'll dignify them with more interesting responses. Nice posts make you sound like a bit of an Ian Thorpe.

I bolded your problem. No point in having a sig which isn't bad when your username, avatar, posting, and presumably your appearance is horribly bad. It smacks of hypocrisy.

No, they come when you're born. If you have one, you are considered male, and if you don't you are considered female. I'm sure a few of the other TF members have them. I apologise if I took this out of context and you were actually still talking about the sigs.

Hehehaha. I love the last responce most. I like them all though. I can see why your funniest member. You burned like 5 at once
Mujtaba. Close though

I know. It wasn't a spelling mistake, it was deliberate. I guess I shouldn't expect someone like you who apparently has the greatest sense of humour in history to think a name like Muttjabba would be funny in any way. You probably don't like Hafeez Handmissing or Wasi Akrim either. Just one of those things me and my mates used to say when we someone thought they do something we didn't think they'd do... "as if mutt jabber"

It wouldn't be, but you keep providing us with such brilliant material as seen above. Try and pick a spelling mistake in my whole post. I dare you. You won't. That's because I'm perfect. You should strive to improve, I've stopped unfortunately, as I've reached the peak of posting brilliance and there is no further to go. The only thing left to do when you reach this stage is turn your head backwards and laugh at those who are still halfway, or, in your case, heading backwards, if anything.

It's easy to find a spelling mistake in your post but it's irrelevant because it was as deliberate as mine. Try to find a legitimate spelling mistake in any of mine. I double dare you!:rolleyes:
There's a chance you might find the occasional mistake. I don't proofread every post. I don't apologise either if I do spell something wrong or make a grammatical error. You'd be pretty sad to go checking but go ahead.

TF guys are brainless, uneducated, and inferior people to the PC gods. Please continue to anticipate my posts. Makes writing them a lot simpler.

I'll go one step further and anticipate how the whole site will respond to my post, you all have a habit of doing the same things over and over again without really coming up with anything original (with a couple of exceptions)...

I anticipate you'll come up with something worthy of your standing as the funniest poster on the site. This will have all the other PC members wishing they had your sense of humour and bowing to your comic genius once again. iloveireland will be leading the praise :hpraise and seems to be eager to stay on his knees a little bit longer than the others to show his appreciation

TSFSFSFFFFFLSFSLLL. Thought I'd just throw it in, no point in tampering with a winning formula. Don't go back on your word and come up with a response.

No comment required. Pure brilliance:clap

This was boring. Post more interesting paragraphs and I'll dignify them with more interesting responses. Nice posts make you sound like a bit of an Ian Thorpe.

Now that's an insult! No way I'm ever going to be nice again on this site! I have to admit, it was a little bit too much like what I've seen on other threads in PC.
Sorry to bore you. I wouldn't want to just become another face in the PC crowd.

I bolded your problem. No point in having a sig which isn't bad when your username, avatar, posting, and presumably your appearance is horribly bad. It smacks of hypocrisy.

Well the sig was allowed. Not surprising that this kind of hypocrisy was allowed. Hypocrisy seems to be a pre-requisite for being on this site.

No, they come when you're born. If you have one, you are considered male, and if you don't you are considered female. I'm sure a few of the other TF members have them. I apologise if I took this out of context and you were actually still talking about the sigs.

lol. Apology accepted. Please accept my apology in advance for when I take your posts out of context in the future;)
I do find it pretty ironic though that the guy who apparently has the "Funniest Member" is coming up with dick jokes :D
Oh, sorry. You ARE the "Funniest Member". Oops, my mistake

Hehehaha. I love the last responce most. I like them all though. I can see why your funniest member. You burned like 5 at once

Burned like 5 what at once?
Not expecting you to get down on your knees to praise my posts mate. Don't want you there either. Now I'm not saying you suck or anything but that was a pretty sucky post:p
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the greatest sense of humour in history
funniest poster on the site.
your sense of humour
your comic genius
"Funniest Member"
"Funniest Member"

You seem to be pushing this funniest member thing across a fair bit. Never mind the fact that my username sets me up for all kinds of inbred jokes and, as I've recently found out, jokes about the fact the Tasmanian Tiger is extinct. You choose to specialise in one little piece of information and repeat it over and over. Keep going with it though, as I'm cool with it. If the best you have is to bag an award I won almost a year ago, I'm doing bloody well.

Also, as much as insults relating to genitals might sound crude and low, they are generally the best ones, hence their inclusion.
You seem to be pushing this funniest member thing across a fair bit. Never mind the fact that my username sets me up for all kinds of inbred jokes and, as I've recently found out, jokes about the fact the Tasmanian Tiger is extinct. You choose to specialise in one little piece of information and repeat it over and over. Keep going with it though, as I'm cool with it. If the best you have is to bag an award I won almost a year ago, I'm doing bloody well.

Also, as much as insults relating to genitals might sound crude and low, they are generally the best ones, hence their inclusion.

Pretty weak argument re your award. Oops, I mentioned it again. Wow. I am obsessed with it.

If you choose to specialise on what you see as a common theme in my post and have no decent response to the real essence of my comments I'm doing bloody well.

the greatest sense of humour in history
Expressing my disappointment in you not seeing Muttjabba for what it was.

funniest poster on the site.
your sense of humour
your comic genius

A dig at your PC comrades eagerness to praise just about everthing you post. Blame them, not me.

"Funniest Member"
"Funniest Member"

Dick joke. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just following the theme you set in your previous post. Why should I care if you have a funny member, just as long as it stays in you pants and we don't all have to see it;)

Have I commented on your username? Nah. You seemed to be pretty happy to have a go at mine though. Horribly bad according to you.
At the risk of opening myself to you thinking I'm relying on a second area of post specialisation I'll just mention another word that I used more than once in my previous post... Hypocrisy.

Although you were the one who first bought that up so I should be safe with that one:D

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