PlanetCricket A to tour PC - Tour over!

Pretty weak argument re your award. Oops, I mentioned it again. Wow. I am obsessed with it.

If you choose to specialise on what you see as a common theme in my post and have no decent response to the real essence of my comments I'm doing bloody well.

Hardly. You mentioned it six times in one post. If doing bloody well means finding an award that the other person won ages ago, then maybe I should head over to TSFFSFLFSSSL and find an award that you've won that I can use. But obviously, that won't happen. You know why.

the greatest sense of humour in history
Expressing my disappointment in you not seeing Muttjabba for what it was.

Mutt jabber doesn't make sense, so I figured what you were after was Mujtaba. Sometimes life is funnier than fiction, and I considered this one of those cases, as mutt jabber wasn't even mildly amusing. Someone who jabs dogs? This is your way of offending us? Sometimes those name jokes are mildly clever, like Dusty Rhodes, Hugh Jass and so on, but I've never found myself in awe of them. The only time they can be funny, as you mentioned, is on the 12th man. But the 12th man have better stuff than strange names. I would've hoped you did too.

funniest poster on the site.
your sense of humour
your comic genius
A dig at your PC comrades eagerness to praise just about everthing you post. Blame them, not me.

Good on them. I'd be eager too, my posting is exquisite. But if you think it's unjust, continue to come down on them, because they'll see the light, realise I'm actually as funny as cancer, and quit praising me once and for all. Since we've been posting, I've had two posts of praise and you've had none. See if you can turn the scoreboard around.

"Funniest Member"
"Funniest Member"
Dick joke. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just following the theme you set in your previous post. Why should I care if you have a funny member, just as long as it stays in you pants and we don't all have to see it;)

As much as I liked the funny member comment, you've responded to a joke about your 'apparatus' with a joke about mine. Makes us equal.

Have I commented on your username? Nah. You seemed to be pretty happy to have a go at mine though. Horribly bad according to you.
At the risk of opening myself to you thinking I'm relying on a second area of post specialisation I'll just mention another word that I used more than once in my previous post... Hypocrisy.

Although you were the one who first bought that up so I should be safe with that one:D

I didn't really have a proper go at your username, but if you're going to say I did, I may as well. Seen Jarman lately? Hardly magic. It's like he ate a continent. And I didn't say you shouldn't have a go at mine. I was going as far as to say I was surprised that you didn't. Most people would.
Go Tas, Go Tas, Go Tas....Man, if i wasn't so good with the bat (and ball but my captain thinks i'm too good for the league so i'm putting the gloves on) I'd make one mean cheerleader.
Hardly. You mentioned it six times in one post. If doing bloody well means finding an award that the other person won ages ago, then maybe I should head over to TSFFSFLFSSSL and find an award that you've won that I can use. But obviously, that won't happen. You know why.

Great, this could go on and on and go nowhere at all. You seem to have the obsession with it even though I explained the quotes you presented. Your ignorance is astounding

Mutt jabber doesn't make sense, so I figured what you were after was Mujtaba. Sometimes life is funnier than fiction, and I considered this one of those cases, as mutt jabber wasn't even mildly amusing. Someone who jabs dogs? This is your way of offending us? Sometimes those name jokes are mildly clever, like Dusty Rhodes, Hugh Jass and so on, but I've never found myself in awe of them. The only time they can be funny, as you mentioned, is on the 12th man. But the 12th man have better stuff than strange names. I would've hoped you did too.

You got it wrong again. Different meaning, different pronunciation, different mutt altogether. "jabs dogs" :rtfl

Good on them. I'd be eager too, my posting is exquisite. But if you think it's unjust, continue to come down on them, because they'll see the light, realise I'm actually as funny as cancer, and quit praising me once and for all. Since we've been posting, I've had two posts of praise and you've had none. See if you can turn the scoreboard around.

Who said it was unjust? I think quite a few of your posts have been funny. Pity you have trouble comprehending what others have to say.
But hey, you obviously have more understanding of the meaning of what I say than I do. You seem to insist that your interpretation is more accurate than mine.

As much as I liked the funny member comment, you've responded to a joke about your 'apparatus' with a joke about mine. Makes us equal.

Yeah. and...?
I'm not offended by what you posted and I didn't expect you to be offended either. BTW, did you just admit that the funny member comment wasn't actually in reference to your award?;)

I didn't really have a proper go at your username, but if you're going to say I did, I may as well. Seen Jarman lately? Hardly magic. It's like he ate a continent. And I didn't say you shouldn't have a go at mine. I was going as far as to say I was surprised that you didn't. Most people would.

lol. Yeah, I misread your post. Just trying to find something else to pick at I guess. I took the post re my username for what it was, funny stuff. Was just disappointed that you focused only on my Funniest Member references and totally ignored the true intent of the previous post. I really don't care if someone has a go at my username and I'm sure you don't either.

Anyway Mr Inbred Extinct Award Winner, later we'll have the chance to let our bats do the talking. I'm sure if your bat could actually talk it would make more sense than you. Without doubt:p
That we will see
By the way didnt u desire ur nickname to be "GERMAN MAGIC"rather than "Jarman Magic"admit it tassie's insults get u frustrated and fuming
That we will see
By the way didnt u desire ur nickname to be "GERMAN MAGIC"rather than "Jarman Magic"admit it tassie's insults get u frustrated and fuming

Yeah, I wanted German Magic because I've got ambitions of becoming a mod here and thought promoting myself as a Nazi was my best chance:p
They didn't allow it:(

tassie's good value. He's taken over the lead role in bagging us from Sohum. I have to admit, I got a bit disappointed with one of his posts because he chose to ignore most of the essence in my post but it's all good.
He's doing well for someone who's obviously mentally challenged:cool:

I'm glad the thread's been allowed to flow and that the swearing has been toned down from our guys in recent days. Having said that... ******* ***** PC **** ***** **** Nazis **** **** maa ki ******
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I've never understood why people on an online forum who are trying to enforce a few minor rules get compared to people who committed genocide against jews, gypsies, homosexuals, slavs etc.
Not getting at anyone in particular but it seems to happen on an awful lot of online forums - if a mod deletes/edits a post that means he's a Nazi not that the person who posted it was a tit.

Anyway back on topic with Mr Magic I like the picture in your sig but the guy on the right looks about 12. I take it the pic is a metaphor for men against boys?
I've never understood why people on an online forum who are trying to enforce a few minor rules get compared to people who committed genocide against jews, gypsies, homosexuals, slavs etc.
Not getting at anyone in particular but it seems to happen on an awful lot of online forums - if a mod deletes/edits a post that means he's a Nazi not that the person who posted it was a tit.

Anyway back on topic with Mr Magic I like the picture in your sig but the guy on the right looks about 12. I take it the pic is a metaphor for men against boys?

I saw that but was running short on the old quick wit, well played Colin.
I've never understood why people on an online forum who are trying to enforce a few minor rules get compared to people who committed genocide against jews, gypsies, homosexuals, slavs etc.
Not getting at anyone in particular but it seems to happen on an awful lot of online forums - if a mod deletes/edits a post that means he's a Nazi not that the person who posted it was a tit.

Anyway back on topic with Mr Magic I like the picture in your sig but the guy on the right looks about 12. I take it the pic is a metaphor for men against boys?

My boss is often referred to as a Nazi. I'm not aware of him committing any war crimes, actually he wasn't born until after the war. All bosses, mods and admin are Nazis whether they deserve the title or not. Our mods and admin get called Nazi's all the time and they're more likely to roll with it than get upset. Don't let it bother you;)

The kid in the pic is fielding alongside your strike bowler or maybe even waiting to bowl the next delivery if it's a net training session. He must be a part of your team?
I don't see any "I love Sonic Hedgehog" badges on him anywhere so it's not Simbazz. iloveireland maybe?
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My boss is often referred to as a Nazi. I'm not aware of him committing any war crimes, actually he wasn't born until after the war. All bosses, mods and admin are Nazis whether they deserve the title or not. Our mods and admin get called Nazi's all the time and they're more likely to roll with it than get upset. Don't let it bother you;)

The kid in the pic is fielding alongside your strike bowler or maybe even waiting to bowl the next delivery if it's a net training session. He must be a part of your team?
I don't see any "I love Sonic Hedgehog" badges on him anywhere so it's not simbazz. iloveireland maybe?

I'm pretty stealth to be honest JM, You'll only notice me when i'm doing a celebration similar to this a good few times in one game,

notice how he's checking his arse out? It's me.

So you'll enjoy it when he gets his arse handed to him along with the rest of the PC team in this series?

I'm pretty stealth to be honest JM, You'll only notice me when i'm doing a celebration similar to this a good few times in one game,


If you can get that link to work I'll celebrate with you mate:p
Also, as much as insults relating to genitals might sound crude and low, they are generally the best ones, hence their inclusion.
I protest. Such smut is crude, vulgar and unfunny. I prefer humour based on religion, race, physical appearance, mental ineptitude, disability, sex and nationality. But most of all, the bestest is a good fart joke. You cannot beat a good trouser trumpeting. Did someone tread on a duck?
I protest. Such smut is crude, vulgar and unfunny. I prefer humour based on religion, race, physical appearance, mental ineptitude, disability, sex and nationality. But most of all, the bestest is a good fart joke. You cannot beat a good trouser trumpeting. Did someone tread on a duck?

No, but I just sat on a ugly, multi-coloured, spastic, deformed, Jewish, lesbian frog from New Zealand just as the plumbing from the toilet in the next room backed up:o

No-one believed I didn't let one rip:(
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I protest. Such smut is crude, vulgar and unfunny. I prefer humour based on religion, race, physical appearance, mental ineptitude, disability, sex and nationality. But most of all, the bestest is a good fart joke. You cannot beat a good trouser trumpeting. Did someone tread on a duck?
As funny as all of those other forms of discrimination are, (good to see disability get in there, it's underrated) saying that anatomy jokes aren't funny means I have to assume you aren't too well endowed yourself.

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