PlanetCricket at the Ashes Cricket 2013 Preview

1. Tie in with cricket summer. CT then Ashes.
2. Still working on it
3. Re-confirmed

Thanks for the quick response but I do have to wonder how they can re-confirm the release date with point 2 (platform approvals) still up in the air. That's cutting it too close in my book.

Hopefully with IPL wrapped up and Champions Trophy & Ashes round the corner, we should get plenty of information :thumbs
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that doesnt sound too positive

Let's give the game a chance before shooting it down, shall we? I mean what's the hurry... the game will be out soon and we can make an educated call then.
Strange no demo for the journalists to try ,
With less then a month to go ?
Worrying in fact !
Still buying it anyway ..
I remember all the up in air stuff with BLC 07
and that's was rubbish, rubber genius building the game
up , fact of week etc ?
Roll on fifa 14 !
Strange no demo for the journalists to try ,
With less then a month to go ?
Worrying in fact !
Still buying it anyway ..
I remember all the up in air stuff with BLC 07
and that's was rubbish, rubber genius building the game
up , fact of week etc ?
Roll on fifa 14 !

Ha ha! I remember Rubber Genius.....thanks for reminding me. I was trying to think of his name today.....from what I gather they are looking at the start of the CT in the Uk to use as a launching platform to get maximum publicity out of everyones attention being turned towards cricket in some way. I cant imagine them having an endless pot of money to use for advertising ecetera and they must feel that that is their best chance to galvanise support.
My interview with Mike covers a lot of this. I can't type it up till Monday so unless Matt has time you'll have to wait a bit longer.
My interview with Mike covers a lot of this. I can't type it up till Monday so unless Matt has time you'll have to wait a bit longer.

No probs :thumbs

We will bug & pester Matt instead :D
As I said I can't make judgements on the game but impressed by Mike Fegan and his comments.

hi, i have a question to ask you. so i have heard that you were shown the game being played? if im wrong then please correct me. if not, then could you please answer this simple question?
so i would like to know, when you saw the game being played, did u get a feeling (just from the looks of it) that you had seen this all before. or did u get a nostalgic feeling? or did u feel as if well this seems different, something i havnt seen before?
i know its hard to judge the gameplay since you have just seen and not played... but could you please answer this for me as to what feeling you got when u were watching the game being played and the looks of the game?
Biggs, some excellent point. I do not know how a company can ignore social media like this for promotion. The types of person i believe would ignore such a powerful media tool is probably people with their old ways of thinking and refusing to catch up with time....or maybe just painfully lazy or retarded. Its the cheapest (free) way to promote once's game and every interesting thing you post gets viral in a matter of days. Guess who uses these social sites? The same people who the game developers expect will buy their games and yet this consumer base isn't even aware of this game mostly.

So this will be the scenario....the game will release....there will be low sales even if the game is good (word of mouth doesn't work anymore without hype behind it). They will end up not developing cricket for some years due to a huge loss and blame the small consumer base for it.
hi, i have a question to ask you. so i have heard that you were shown the game being played? if im wrong then please correct me. if not, then could you please answer this simple question?
so i would like to know, when you saw the game being played, did u get a feeling (just from the looks of it) that you had seen this all before. or did u get a nostalgic feeling? or did u feel as if well this seems different, something i havnt seen before?
i know its hard to judge the gameplay since you have just seen and not played... but could you please answer this for me as to what feeling you got when u were watching the game being played and the looks of the game?

So you want to judge the game based on how Colin "feels" after attending a short preview event regarding the game :p

Yes, tell us Colin how you really feel :lol

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