PlanetCricket at the Ashes Cricket 2013 Preview

Hey! Dont be cheeky. Even though IPL has come to an end, 505 games cant show the gane because champions trophy is starting and there is no build up to the ashes till yet. Game will be shown on 21st june once your copy arrives in the post.

Yeah....maybe they saw Move Street Cricket's epic marketing strategy and decided to follow suit ;)!
guys, all i have to say is, we have waited (waiting) long with good & bad comments. we shared a lot about the game. lot of rumours are there. cant we wait for 25 more days? what we need is "patience" like our Chief. :yes
guys, all i have to say is, we have waited (waiting) long with good & bad comments. we shared a lot about the game. lot of rumours are there. cant we wait for 25 more days? what we need is "patience" like our Chief. :yes

We can wait if we have no other option :p!! But it is our duty to ask ask ask and ask :p!! You must have heard the golden words....'Ask and you shall receive' ;)!
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Didn't they have licensing issues in showing the game to the press..?
If they can see it, why can't we..?

Did any article/write up come out in any magazine as a result of the event..?

Don't pounce on me..we're coOl :D
barmyarmy is the only person from PC who had seen the AC 2013 , but he shared not even 1% about the look of the game. Does AC 2013 team asked him not to share the things he had seen?

It's a difficult one. We could see England v Australia being played at Lord's on a TV sized screen (and we were sitting a few rows back) but as I said before I went to the preview describing graphics isn't a strength for me as I'm not really a gamer (other than cricket).
My impressions was that it looked a bit smoother than IC10, I liked the look of the line and length bowling system and I didn't see anyone hooking a yorker but it's pretty hard to describe a game that is being played for about 10 minutes as someone is talking.
There is some more material from the event for us still to transcribe (or release as audio) but obviously we don't have any screens or video (or timescale for when we get them).
From my point of view we know almost everything about the game that we're going to know apart from what it looks like and how it plays. The former will be solved eventually with screenshots but the latter we won't know till it's in our hands.
I thought that there would be a coordinated release of assets on the same day as the preview as it doesn't really make sense to me to expect multiple publications to write about a game without giving them any visuals they can publish.
I personally cannot see how Big Ant can gain any competitive advantage at this point from seeing screens of AC13 so I've got no idea why they're still holding back on providing them.
Since we can't ask much about gameplay because you didn't played it. I hope you can atleast answer these questions.

Can you tell us about the Animations? Were they more fluid and less awkward than previous titles? Also did you felt any change in player models?

Another thing is I really hope they have got rid off batsman being idle after playing a shot.
They looked fluid but I'm going to have to be pretty useless and say I couldn't really tell. The whole game looked smooth to me but it's really hard to try and comment in detail on player models or animations post-delivery.
It's a difficult one. We could see England v Australia being played at Lord's on a TV sized screen (and we were sitting a few rows back) but as I said before I went to the preview describing graphics isn't a strength for me as I'm not really a gamer (other than cricket).

So they did not have a projector screen to show the gameplay video???

Anyways, I can understand that the video was not visible enough to see the action clearly, but did you feel the animations looked the same as IC2010 (though more smoother) or did they look completely new? i.e. the shot animations!


They looked fluid but I'm going to have to be pretty useless and say I couldn't really tell. The whole game looked smooth to me but it's really hard to try and comment in detail on player models or animations post-delivery.

Ahhhh even in this press event they were not able to make sure that everyone had a good view of the gameplay. I thought these press events had atleast a projector screen to ensure that everyone got a good look at what they want to present.

Anyways, thanks for making all that effort to travel for such a long time for this event!!! I hope you did not feel it wasnt worth it!!
It's a difficult one. We could see England v Australia being played at Lord's on a TV sized screen (and we were sitting a few rows back) but as I said before I went to the preview describing graphics isn't a strength for me as I'm not really a gamer (other than cricket).
My impressions was that it looked a bit smoother than IC10, I liked the look of the line and length bowling system and I didn't see anyone hooking a yorker but it's pretty hard to describe a game that is being played for about 10 minutes as someone is talking.
There is some more material from the event for us still to transcribe (or release as audio) but obviously we don't have any screens or video (or timescale for when we get them).
From my point of view we know almost everything about the game that we're going to know apart from what it looks like and how it plays. The former will be solved eventually with screenshots but the latter we won't know till it's in our hands.
I thought that there would be a coordinated release of assets on the same day as the preview as it doesn't really make sense to me to expect multiple publications to write about a game without giving them any visuals they can publish.
I personally cannot see how Big Ant can gain any competitive advantage at this point from seeing screens of AC13 so I've got no idea why they're still holding back on providing them.

Glad to hear it looked smoother than IC10 (I've only seen videos of IC10 being a PC gamer) because IC10 had pretty poor animations. I would be happy with slightly more polished graphics. But I'll wait till I see it with with my own eyes.

One more question though :

Did you see any loopy bowling from the 10 minutes of gameplay ? (I'd be very happy with a 'No' for an answer)
Am sure you saw some fast bowling.
Did you see any loopy bowling from the 10 minutes of gameplay ? (I'd be very happy with a 'No' for an answer)
Am sure you saw some fast bowling.

That loopy bowling was already rectified in IC2010, So I dont think it would return to this game
No point in 505 Games waiting so long to release marketing stuff when Ross and Big Ant will just shut it all down in no time with some marketing of their own. (AC2013 Press conference - BA Career Mode) :yes
For me, I'll wait until the game is in my hands before I pass judgement, I have every cricket game back to BLIC05, My favourite is a patched Ashes 2009 but I thought the new features and graphics were nice in ICC2010 so I'm not concerned about the graphical likeness between ICC2010 & AC2013, my biggest gripe of the Ashes/ICC series is the animation, I don't think it's as good as the EA versions and indeed my biggest niggle of ICC2010 is that fast bowling action having said that I'm excited about the release of Ashes 2013 and indeed Big Ant's Cricket & Table Top Cricket so a busy Summer in front of the screen for me :-)

Steve S.


Just adding to my previous comments...

1) Career Mode would be nice
2) Full Editor so you can update even licensed teams
3) Bigger Squads
4) Controller changes during matches (I hate bowling:lol) but that's just me!!!
5) Rain breaks!!!

Steve S.
thank you barmyarmy.... its a good news that it is smoother than IC2010....then definitely they tried ahrd for smoother gameplay...:)
I thought that there would be a coordinated release of assets on the same day as the preview as it doesn't really make sense to me to expect multiple publications to write about a game without giving them any visuals they can publish.

Yeah and that's my gripe as well. You ask the press along to an event then don't supply anything for the mediums they use to talk about it (Online/Print). Seems utterly bizarre to me...

...add to that the complete lack of social media presence on the day (and after). Seems totally out of touch with the fervent demand for this (or any) new cricket gaming title.

The flip side is it's win/win for PlanetCricket since this place gets the bounceback from google searches or mentions on their FB/Twitter but you're only reaching such a small percentage of users who were probably already interested in and/or going to buy the product anyway.

Has there been any mention anywhere else about the event from the rest of the press invited?

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