PlanetCricket Awards in association with Codemasters - Voting Starts

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Sorry IloveGilly you have already voted, click here to return to the forums.

Ahh bummer, should have thought it over abit before voting.
I've voted and I also didn't vote for myself :p

People are more deserving than me is what I feel.
What great fun that was! It was hard choosing the best to vote on, but I managed to do it after 26 mintues of grilling cheese and raddishes. Good luck everyone.
I've been reminded of just how little I know about what the patchers have done, so it looks like I'll be skipping quite a few categories.
IloveGilly said:
Sorry IloveGilly you have already voted, click here to return to the forums.

Ahh bummer, should have thought it over abit before voting.

PM me and or Ste and we can make any changes you want.
sid_19840 said:
Just finished my voting.I had a long think about who to vote for and visited several threads before doing so.I did not vote for myself in any category as I felt that I wasnt a best judge to decide if Im the best in my categories.I also tried visiting the blic forums and the categories nominated there,even though I only followed mostly the c2k5 forums.Finally I voted only for those whom I felt really deserved to be voted for.May the best members win and hope that even if someone doesnt win,that wont stop him from excelling or contuining to excell in his field.Cheers.


That's a good idea, I was about to look through the threads, but instead, for the ones I didn't know, I just guessed. Sorry everyone (but they were definitely educated guesses)
I just voted for the people who've sent me cheques recently...

@ aussie1st - that means cheques that don't bounce!
......and i thought bribe / corruption was on high ONLY in the sub-continent :D

anyways...finished voting although didnt vote for myself ;)
but i am sure i wont get any awards. :( although i might give a tough
competition :D
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