Planetcricket v The Animal Enclosure

The squad will be announced when someone notices my post in the Mod section. Shouldn't be too long. I doubt the game will go ahead today, but you never know.
Our coaches - The recently retired Darren Gough and Marcus Trescothik. We are still in negotiations, but it looks likely. They are the perfect fit - Masters in dancing (Need to have the skills for our after-win parties. We'll be having a lot of them), ball tampering (Mmmm...mints) and Mental Disinergration. With them on our side, TAE have got no chance.

Not that they had a chance to start with.
Our coaches - The recently retired Darren Gough and Marcus Trescothik. We are still in negotiations, but it looks likely. They are the perfect fit - Masters in dancing (Need to have the skills for our after-win parties. We'll be having a lot of them), ball tampering (Mmmm...mints) and Mental Disinergration. With them on our side, TAE have got no chance.

Not that they had a chance to start with.

Strangely enough, a sponsor has come forward to sponsor the Planetcricket team against TAE. Kool Mints, who are sponsors of the Downright Donkeys during season, have been unveiled as the sponsors. This means that all PlanetCricket players selected in the squad will be available to a never ending supply of mints before, during and after the game.

Don't you just love coincidences?
Well whack my dog and call be Albert, who would have guessed?

has Jesus signed up too?
Waiting for the team to be announced by the way its on the basis of last season?
Sorry I haven't been here much the last couple of days, been very busy.

I didn't see the fixtures list until today, so I didn't know there was a game yesterday.

Obviously what we need to sim the game is your players actual types.

Anyway, here is a 15 man squad for PC: (Club in brackets)
aus5892 (c) (Bitters) - Pure Bowler, RHB, RF
treva (vc) (Legends) - Pure Bowler, RHB, RFM
PaulNixon1 (BIT) - Pure Bat, RHB, RM
ZoraxDoom (Donkeys) - All Rounder, RHB, LS
tassietiger (DON) - Pure Bat, RHB, RM
Kshitiz_Indian (wk) (Warriors) - RHB, WK
Jaztheman (WAR) - Pure Bat, RHB, RFM
Cricketman (DON) - Pure Bat, LHB, RF
Bilal91 (LEG) - Pure Bat, RHB, RFM
Simbazz (BIT) - Pure Bat, RHB, RM
travder92 (LEG) - Pure Bowl, RHB, SLA
Feelin Blue? (Dynamos) - Pure Bat, RHB, RM
Griffo (Supersoakers) - Pure Bowl, RHB, RFM
Abhas (WAR) - Pure Bowl, LHB, LF
scion_sid (WAR) - Pure Bowl, LHB, LF
Zorax, tassie and Cricketman hold the Donkeys banner high. Well, the banner in one hand and a bloody great cheque from the bookies in the other. Well maybe the cheque in one hand and a refreshing drink in the other.
Kick some animal arse!
Will the averages be entered into the sim the exact same for both sims?

So say we make every batsmen's simming average 40, every bowler's 25, and then sim it like that? It will provide close matches, and results. Try it, if you are not already. :)

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