Review Playtest Review/Preview(Review Links, Updated in First Post)

The fielding was good. There was plenty of diving about to stop the ball, and the occasional fumble if the ball was hit very hard. Not sure that a second fielder will ever pick up a fumble by another player, but that's a really minor point.

f1man, who be "you people" out of interest?
What people will see when they play this game is the massive step it has taken forward from BL 2007!
I think as Tom posted earlier you have to make PES1 to get to PES6 sums up this very succinctly.

People are quite right to feel suspect after BLIC 2007 (I was the same), best thing to do is to wait for the Demo, am sure that once people play it you will see that this game is much much better than BLIC 2007, for me it is also important that the people who are involved in the development process actually understand the game, that not only is good for this game but also for the future. Talking to Jamie it is clear that he is passionate about this franchise and has some cool plans for the future editions.
I think as Tom posted earlier you have to make PES1 to get to PES6 sums up this very succinctly.

People are quite right to feel suspect after BLIC 2007 (I was the same), best thing to do is to wait for the Demo, am sure that once people play it you will see that this game is much much better than BLIC 2007, for me it is also important that the people who are involved in the development process actually understand the game, that not only is good for this game but also for the future. Talking to Jamie it is clear that he is passionate about this franchise and has some cool plans for the future editions.

I think that sums it up in the best possible way! Lets wait for the game and decide for ourselves. Cheers!
The fielding was good. There was plenty of diving about to stop the ball, and the occasional fumble if the ball was hit very hard. Not sure that a second fielder will ever pick up a fumble by another player, but that's a really minor point.

f1man, who be "you people" out of interest?

well , thanks for the reply.its never a minus sure these things will be implemented in the future.
they were really keen on improving/correcting the basics and they've almost succeeded is wat i can note from your reviews.thats more important.
am eagerly waiting for the demo and your review on the full game(if there will be one).
i hope they get an impressive sales chart.thanks guys for the game:clap
It's not too late to change player speed values, etc. as when we were there they were waiting on the Ashes squad announcements, so might have had some extra, last-minute work to do if there were some left-field selections. Jamie also said that the bowling speeds and stats were being looked at at the moment, so I really don't think there will be a problem with Anderson and Broad. I did point this out to Jamie directly, so it should be 'on the list' so to speak. However, I think they may require approval from the various cricketing bodies for changing this sort of thing but I'm not completely sure.

Bearing in mind that different pitches have different bounciness (coefficient of restitution, for anyone who wants the technical term) and this game deals with different pitch types, it really should be possible by just altering some variable in the code/in a file. But it might affect other things, so we'll just have to hope they can do something about it at this late stage. Failing that, let's hope we can patch it. Failing that, we can just pick to play on a ground with a low bounce, like you could in 2007 (I think it was some NZ ground with a damp pitch that had realistic bounce)

Finally, yes, hawkeye is in the game, and it was this that highlighted the bounce problem to me. There were some LBW shouts which really should have been out if it were real life, but the ball was shown to be going over the stumps by a good few inches even with a fairly full ball.

From what we could tell in our brief test, the umpiring decisions are good. They will usually get it right, but will occasionally leave you spitting blood - a bit like in real life.

Wonder if this is why were still waiting for a release date as theres only been a fairly pointless (in my eyes) pre-ashes england squad announced.
did u see any very acrobatic fielding sequences ?
a diving catch by an infielder or a fielder stopping a certain four and the one coming behind him taking the ball and returning it or something exciting in the field ?

did the batsman look at where the ball went after he hit it and wen he is not taking a single ?


you people are getting very picky.

f1man, who be "you people" out of interest?

Just one of "you people", Gods sake, this thread is ridicolous, I'm glad I haven't viewed it very often...Just read the reviews he has written and wait, it is not that long until release (Unless Lazy likes answering a bombardment of questions).
Iv followed this thread from the beginning and i dont think this question has been asked, if it has im sorry, but is there an autoplay feature?
The loopyness problem could be because the ball is released a bit too early? If that's the case it could be rectified by the changing angle of projection. I've tried this in EA's game and it does make the ball a bit loopy if you change the angle of release.
Yup there autoplay. You can simulate to the end of the over, innings or match.
Just one of "you people", Gods sake, this thread is ridicolous, I'm glad I haven't viewed it very often...Just read the reviews he has written and wait, it is not that long until release (Unless Lazy likes answering a bombardment of questions).

ok ok.c'mon i havn't asked too many questions.happy with the reviews and they are doing a good job.
The ball is not loopy. The speeds are well scaled, as is the gravity, seemingly. The problem is the bounce seems a bit too high. If you changed the angle of release and left the speed and gravity the same, you would just change the length of the ball - basic physics.

The reason this may work in EA games is because they are a big pile of poo with no discernible realistic physics simulation.

Yes autoplay is in. Either one over, the innings, or the match.

Another thing I remembered, is that there is wind, and this apparently makes it harder to swing the ball against it, and easier with it, and also makes shots go further downwind.

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