Review Playtest Review/Preview(Review Links, Updated in First Post)

As Lazy mentioned before, player can be stumped even if we dont dance down the track. This is one of the biggest change for me. It would be great in multiplayer where you can offer one or two dolly full balls to get your opponent cover driving and then just shorten the length of the ball to draw him forward. Would be a great moment.

*Another fact that Lazy mentioned is that the collision detection is very good this time and we see all sort of inside edges on pads body etc. Does this mean that there will be bat pad catches too??

*Those who have played it at the Play Day, can you confirm how much difference is ther in graphics of the game from the austalian TV footage and the one you have played??

*Does the umpire still nods his head down before giving out? That was pretty annoying last time around.

*Is there any classic matches and challenge mode like BLIC 05?? Jamie promised that in a earlier interview.

*Can we hit the ball over fine leg for six by flicking ball from the pads??? There arent many players who can do that but Jayasuriya,Yuvraj and Gayle does that regularly.

*Can we get more bowled and LBW's against AI this time around?? IT was almost impossible to bowl AI batsman in BLIC 07
I just want to ask one question...
do the batsmen just put the bat in the crease or they slide it in...
i have got out so any times in earlier games because of this
These questions have been dealt with already.

@mannu: they slide it in if you press the slide button.
@ Mohsin: they are automatic.
Hi Tom,

I was wandering is it possible to get bat pad catches off spinners? Since you said before that there are loads of edges onto the pad.

can you give us more details on the wii version as well?
I didn't play the Wii version.

As for bat-pad catches, I would imagine that they are in, not added as a particular feature, but there as a result of good code design. By this I mean that there probably won't be a special 'this is a bat-pad catch mode' triggered, but more likely that if the ball hits the inside edge and goes in the air, and a fielder can get to it, the catching mini game will start. So rather than being 'scripted' bat-pads, I expect they are in as a result of good physics and design.

I may be wrong though as that is pure speculation based on my limited experience with the game. I'm sure we'll find out around demo time.
The controls sound confusing to me. It isn't too hard to pick up is it?
The bowling side of the game is now much more challenging and enjoyable experience, for example I was playing one of the PC members and saw that he was playing a certain way, I thought that an arm ball would cause him problems if he played the type of shot he was playing, I decided to ball the arm ball, which was pitched just short of a good length, he misread the ball and the length and tried to flick to the leg side and it caught the outside edge and was caught by the slip, it felt great that I could use realistic bowling tactics that actually worked.

Pardon my ignorance,but if the batsman can see the type of delivery the bowler bowls,on-screen,then it should give him sufficient time to change his tactics and play accordingly.Isn't it ?
Kindly explain this aspect of the gameplay.
Skater - when I first played it I didn't have much of a clue of what was going on as I was getting used to things like holding the bumper buttons whilst playing shots to change FF/BF, and kept mucking up the running, but after 10 minutes it all makes sense. It'll also be much easier if you go through the tutorials rather than diving straight in.

exprezzo - you can see the type of delivery, but this only really matters in 1v1 in the same room, as you can always turn off the delivery marker in Display Options (I'm guessing you can, I didn't try it). Also, playing 1v1 you can 'cheat' by pressing one button to bring up the initial bowling aimer so it shows the aimer for that type of delivery (there are arrows showing movement, and missing sections showing swing, etc.) but then press another face button when you actually bowl. Basically, you are showing them one delivery but bowling another so it's really not a problem.
Skater - when I first played it I didn't have much of a clue of what was going on as I was getting used to things like holding the bumper buttons whilst playing shots to change FF/BF, and kept mucking up the running, but after 10 minutes it all makes sense. It'll also be much easier if you go through the tutorials rather than diving straight in.

exprezzo - you can see the type of delivery, but this only really matters in 1v1 in the same room, as you can always turn off the delivery marker in Display Options (I'm guessing you can, I didn't try it). Also, playing 1v1 you can 'cheat' by pressing one button to bring up the initial bowling aimer so it shows the aimer for that type of delivery (there are arrows showing movement, and missing sections showing swing, etc.) but then press another face button when you actually bowl. Basically, you are showing them one delivery but bowling another so it's really not a problem.

thanks a ton Tom.i hope they include the "display option" feature.
thanks to kamy too ! you guys have posted such fantastic reviews that I am planning to buy a PS 3 and try out this game.

But first,I will see if the demo works on my NVIDIA GeForce 6150(559MB)
The bowling side of the game is now much more challenging and enjoyable experience, for example I was playing one of the PC members and saw that he was playing a certain way, I thought that an arm ball would cause him problems if he played the type of shot he was playing, I decided to ball the arm ball, which was pitched just short of a good length, he misread the ball and the length and tried to flick to the leg side and it caught the outside edge and was caught by the slip, it felt great that I could use realistic bowling tactics that actually worked.

Sounds great, but what was bowling against the AI like?

Edit: @Reviewers, would you say that this is shaping up to be better than BLIC 99? If so, then the wait is over!

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