Review Playtest Review/Preview(Review Links, Updated in First Post)

Hmm the reviews indeed bode really well for this game. Now all we have to do is wait for a demo to come out.
To pick up on a few questions asked:
- you can advance at any time (hold both the front and back foot shot buttons down)
- the crack are 'semi-cosmetic', in that each specific crack doesn't do anything, but if you pitch the ball in an area where there are cracks, it makes the ball harder to hit or something.
- I think you may well be able to hit the non-striker with the ball, however this feature may have been taken out...

max dillon: the catching system is quite easy and I don't get how you're not getting it, especially considering how many times it's been explained. When a catchable ball is hit, the camera angle goes behind the catcher. The ball gets a coloured corona, starting red, turning orange, and finally green, before going red again if you're too late. Press the catch button while it's green to definitely catch it, on orange to maybe catch it (dependent on skill rating) or red to drop it. The risk/reward thing is that if you wait til it turns green, you may not react in time before it turns red again, so you drop it.

stevo mentioned that the cover drives feel really good, which they do. My favourite shot to play, however, was the sweep picked up from outside off stump. If you choose a FF shot and aim towards fine leg, if the ball is outside off the batsman will get down and try tweak it 'round the corner'. This sort of thing could make ODIs really interesting, as you will have the batsman being able to move the ball around into gaps, even when you're trying to bowl to your field.
EDIT: *Angry and I played on the same team against the AI in a test match, they were going at about 10 an over on hard difficulty. Don't worry thought we were both spraying the ball all over the place and they punished us, you basically really have to bowl well and try to get their confidence down and attack and try and take wickets.

That's the part I am mostly interested in, i.e in AI. I hardly play against real ppl so for me to have the AI playing good solid would be of the main concern. I think this is exactly where BLIC2007 failed. I would have rated the game highly if it wasn't for the AI.
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I got Dean to check two things for me, hawk-eye is in the game and it seems Jonathan Agnew and one of David Gower, Tony Greig or Shane Warne commentate each match with Agnew's partner determined by location.
No but, if he gets hit in the knackers, he pulls down his trousers and proceeds to count 'em before he rub 'em, sometimes commenting to the physio: "Can I keep the swelling?"

Finally, someone with a sense of humour instead of all the silly children on this site who wish to complain and cry.

I am so looking forward to this game as it really is a step up from 2007 and isn't that what we want from our games - improvement....
Hope it doesn't prove to be ridiculously hard to get batsmen out, what with the high bounce. Really appreciate you guys taking the time to write these reviews.
Is it possible to move the batsman around the crease after you have seen where the ball will pitch?

In test matches is each session timed ie 2 hours a session or is it fixed at 30 overs a session?

Last question is do you see the ball land in the crowd when u hit a six? i havnt played 07 so i dont know if its been fixed from 05.
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Great work on the review there, Stevo. The game looks quite decent and from what I've read, might well turn out to be the best cricket game ever released.

BTW, the same question again, can you see the replays anytime you wish? And another thing, are there wagon-wheels, spider graphs, etc in AC09 like the EA Sports cricket games?
Great work on the review there, Stevo. The game looks quite decent and from what I've read, might well turn out to be the best cricket game ever released.

BTW, the same question again, can you see the replays anytime you wish? And another thing, are there wagon-wheels, spider graphs, etc in AC09 like the EA Sports cricket games?
Yes all of those graphs are present. Don't think there is instant replay.
Angry and I played on the same team against the AI in a test match, they were going at about 10 an over on hard difficulty. Don't worry thought we were both spraying the ball all over the place and they punished us, you basically really have to bowl well and try to get their confidence down and attack and try and take wickets.

i've asked this question before but didn't get an answer.
both of u played for the same team.did both of you have to run individually or the batsman presses the run button and both took the was it.individual running would have been a nice addition while playing for the same team.

please answer this question.

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