For what it's worth, I will post my opinion on some other players. I have a massive FOS at Callum right now. Claiming to be a false character just to get rid of me. I don't buy his claim one bit about the lie-detector. I think he knows that I'm right about Zorax, and is trying to get rid of me before I'm proven wrong.
Epic fail much?
So you guys want me to check p# tonight, the problem is if he comes back as lying, he can easily just say he evolved overnight, shall I still do it? (If you're reading this reply asap, so I can get it into Varun)
I'm trying to think who would evolve when Meowth dies, but I can't really think of anyone. Possibly one of the mafia Pokemon?
And yeah, some protection tonight would be good.
Tbh is it actually worth looking at p#'s claim, as I'm not sure why Papa_Smurf would be lynching him if he was a fellow mafia. I personally don't feel p#'s mafia, but if you still want me to check I will.