Pokemon? Mafia - Endgame | Town (BKB1991/P Squared) wins!

BULBADPEDIA - Evolutionary stones are showcased somewhat rarely in the anime, as only a relative few Pok?mon are able to evolve by using them. Despite this, they were among the earliest of items to have been showcased in the anime, appearing as early as Clefairy and the Moon Stone, where a rather large Moon Stone appeared deep within Mt. Moon. It was being worshipped by a group of Clefairy who lived there, and was soon stolen by Team Rocket and ended up being blown up. The shards from it, however, rained down on the Clefairy and caused some of them to evolve.

Now this is worth looking at. If Meowth had an evolutionary stone, and he got blown up (in this case lynched), it has a parallel in the anime.
Clefairy evolving into Clefable.

Here is Clefable-

The flavor text for Clefable states that its sense of hearing is so strong that it can hear a pin drop from half a mile away

With such a strong sense of hearing, could it mean that Clefabe would have a role, which could allow them to listen to some random conversation of mafia? I know this sounds far fetched, but hey who knows?
It's possible, but there are a quite a few pokemon that could have evolved through an evolutionary stone.


oh didn't see the first part of your post. hmmm
Hmm...so Meowth's death lead to the in-game Clefable evolving into a Clefairy?

Interesting tstl.
Have you guys thought that what if the evolution didn't have anything to do with mewoth? What if the pokemon who evolved is Charmader, Charmander is the pokemon that evolved the quickest and fastest in generation 1 right?
itstl - interesting to say the least. Very common over at cricketweb


Have you guys thought that what if the evolution didn't have anything to do with mewoth? What if the pokemon who evolved is Charmader, Charmander is the pokemon that evolved the quickest and fastest in generation 1 right?

In generation 1 they all evolved at lvl 16. It was in generation 2 that Totodile evolved first at lvl 14
itstl - interesting to say the least. Very common over at cricketweb


In generation 1 they all evolved at lvl 16. It was in generation 2 that Totodile evolved first at lvl 14

No, I meant in the anime. I know that in the games in gen1 all evolved at the same level
No, I meant in the anime. I know that in the games in gen1 all evolved at the same level

Charmander evolved really really quickly in the anime and refused to listen to Ash...
tstl = to say the least :p

Someone evolved. That's all we know. And p# denies it's him.

Spoobir and myself are already completely evolved.

Puts suspicion on the rest of you lot.

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