Post your questions about the game here!

You mean the correct thing that you do for every game to help loading times, disc wear and tear and stop the incredibly loud buzzing, whilst still using the disc? Or the sinister one?

It would be a shame if the former was causing the problems.

Ross was explaining to someone with a modded 360 that they'd (BAS) done something which meant you couldn't play it from the hard drive.

In context, he was talking about an anti-piracy measure - although the guy in question appeared to be a legit owner of the game who simply wanted to copy the whole thing to his hard drive.

Interestingly, installing isn't actually an option on the PS3 for this game.
You are aware PC isn't in charge of the entire internet?
Ross was explaining to someone with a modded 360 that they'd (BAS) done something which meant you couldn't play it from the hard drive.

In context, he was talking about an anti-piracy measure - although the guy in question appeared to be a legit owner of the game who simply wanted to copy the whole thing to his hard drive.

Interestingly, installing isn't actually an option on the PS3 for this game.

Yes, this was a PS3 specific query. There is no valid way to mount a PS3 Blu Ray onto a PS3 HDD.

Can anyone tell me why there is lag and anomalies in online matches ? Even though my latency is around 40 and my friend's is around 80 and avg speed of internet is 4Mbps. Whenever the ball goes to the slip or keeper it seems like everyone's missed it when start running the ball comes out of nowhere and hits the stump. Same problem with playing shots. I play shot on front on the offside i saw ball going there and suddenly stumps popped. And my friend told me you are bowled i was like what i did hit the ball on the offside. Whats going on and how to fix these issues ?
how can set a multiplayer options, i search all options but not changing,help me?

i am asking two players in opposite team(example: player 1 ind and player 2 aus)its possiable or not? guys help and answer me

Any one help me
i had never used gamepad before.

but i bought this game pad for DBC 14


basically i cant able to figure out when to press which control buttons to play shots.

can someone guide me plz.

bytheway the gamepad is working fine with FIFA 14
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i had never used gamepad before.

but i bought this game pad for DBC 14


basically i cant able to figure out when to press which control buttons to play shots.

can someone guide me plz.

bytheway the gamepad is working fine with FIFA 14

i have the same controller please help out us ??
...that's called hitting the start button.

I think he meant timewise, in terms of eating up time on the clock in a first class/test match. Frankly, I think the over rate is slow enough that such a thing is not necessary (generally roughly 82 overs a day, I find, although they also don't use the extra half-hour at the end of the day like they should).
Offline multiplayer Controls problem

i have a little problem , when i play DBC offline multiplayer mode with my bro , the batting controls revers like when i play on leg side it goes to offside, how to fix it ?


i have a little problem , when i play DBC offline multiplayer mode with my bro , the batting controls revers like when i play on leg side it goes to offside, how to fix it ?
i have a little problem , when i play DBC offline multiplayer mode with my bro , the batting controls revers like when i play on leg side it goes to offside, how to fix it ?


i have a little problem , when i play DBC offline multiplayer mode with my bro , the batting controls revers like when i play on leg side it goes to offside, how to fix it ?

Buy the game and come back then.....then someone might, just might help you..
If you start a career as a Batman, do you get to bowl

I was thinking of starting a career, but I do would like to bowl at times, not too much , but just a few overs a few innings. I would at the same time not like to bowl at all.

Will it be possible if I do that if I start as a 'Batsman'. Failing this what is the best setting to start with.
First of all , thanks alot for developing and supporting the best cricket game ever. Bought the game on Ps3 and PC.

1. Issue might be with my network settings, Please advise which ports need to be open on my network router. I cannot seem to connect to any online games and even it does in 10 attempts, Screen goes black on start.When I host game I can play with users.

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