Pranav's Graphics Thread

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Hey Pranav, sorry about my run of requests lately, but would you be able to make me a New Zealand Premier League Season 3 banner???

Thanks in advance, if you can do so.

Request Accepted.

Okay, so from left to right, George Bailey, Rhett Lockyear, Xavier Doherty.


Cheers, I can see them now.

Thanks a lot are you going to the sig??

Nah I ain't doing a sig because I didn't find a decent picture.


Monzi's Request :


..:D..PAGE 100..:D..
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I didn't get any high quality photos of Rahim. You can ask for any other spinner.

oh that sucks :( i dont like any other spinners, except Warne and him. but nvm with the spinner then, can i get a Tamim avatar? :p
Congrats. :)


Congratz Pranav, You have done some Legendary work! :clap

One of them is my avvy.Thanks for that once again.Congrats for the achievement.

Congrats for 100 pages Pranav.Bring us more of your fabulous works.

congrats Pranav for 100 Pages.:):):p

Congrats for 100 pages of brilliance

Thanks for a my request.

Thanks guys. :)

You should have at least informed.

I'll inform you know. ;)

oh that sucks :( i dont like any other spinners, except Warne and him. but nvm with the spinner then, can i get a Tamim avatar? :p

The Tamim Ava is next on my list. :D

Page 75 for me:laugh:laugh

Page 149 for me :D

Lol. It's probably something to do with no. of posts per page. I'm using the default setting.


Covvy's ava :


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