Here is a simple, animated signature of Manchester United as requested by Neil Das :
Here is a simple, animated signature of Manchester United as requested by Neil Das :
Urm.. what, what?Umm....What?
Btw there is no law that you cant have the same avatars.
Nice Man U signature mate.
how about making an DX Signature?
can i have a man u signature like nakul's dx signature man u players and the logo....!
Ok, this will actually be my last request for a while.
You know the sig you made me, would you be able to put the new NZPL season three banner in that, in place of the old season two banner.
So make it flash between the NZPL season three banner, and my NZ story banner.
Thanks if you have time to do this.
Ahem. Nice animation. (?)
Cheers.Nice work Pranav :banana2
Can I? Pleaseno 1 takes it!!!
Madhur's Request :