PS3 Online Match Up Thread

Playing 20/20 at oval.. will let you know how it goes!
Playing 20/20 at oval.. will let you know how it goes!

thanks mate
eagerly waiting the summary, also please leave your PSN,

EDIT: its been a while so I am going to guess that the game is working!
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Hey that was a good game Annihilation66. You nearly bowled me out there

We had a really good match

I was South Africa and Annihilation66 was India

India batted first and made 146/7 after 20 over

I chased the total down in 13 overs with 7 wickets down

I think a lot people wil enjoy this on-line! Its good fun!
Hey that was a good game Annihilation66. You nearly bowled me out there

We had a really good match

I was South Africa and Annihilation66 was India

India batted first and made 146/7 after 20 over

I chased the total down in 13 overs with 7 wickets down

I think a lot people wil enjoy this on-line! Its good fun!
Yeah had a glimmer of hope towards the end. I think I need to work on my bowling and tendency to get run out:doh
yeah. Your bowling was good. Just mix it up a bit more with slower balls, in swinging, out swinging, off cutters. etc

I like your bowling when you moved the cursor in the last second. That had me confused

There where some bugs on-line like I got a run out but the umpire said not out for some reason! and the game froze once or twice
On whole its a great experience on-line but I think people will only play 20/20 or ODI no one would have the patience to play a test match and go 2-3 runs an over
I have decided not play online anymore except with mates only.Reason for this is now very well known by everyone,People quitting at the very last minute when i have won he game so until some sort of patch is released i will not play anyone randomly so from now on it will be just with mates or with those who are proper trusted players and will not quit.
People quitting right at the end of games is really annoying, had a good twenty20 game online before only for him to quit just after I'd taken the final wicket to win it.

Anyone on here fancy a game now?
Finally got my copy today, hurrah! well I am off to play a little bit of single player and will be ready to play online in a few hours

PSN : LeftArmFast
I have had some real decent online games with people from Planet Cricket, the problem with playing random people is that they sometimes DC. Will most likely be back online on Wednesday night, if anyone is up for a game give us a shout.
anyone want to play me? i just got the game so I will be an easy beat.

psn is leftarmfast

or get on msn,


Every time I try to join a match it says unable to join, and there are only 1 or 2 matches every 10 minutes. is this right?
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Another quitter just now, couldn't find the name and shame thread but if you want a game where they don't quit, don't play someone called 'Freddie-Flintoff' or 'NtlHobbzyWorld'.

I'm up for a game Hmarka, will invite you.:)
Another quitter just now, couldn't find the name and shame thread but if you want a game where they don't quit, don't play someone called 'Freddie-Flintoff' or 'NtlHobbzyWorld'.

I'm up for a game Hmarka, will invite you.:)

it says unable to join, failed to connect to host.

same thing again, i cant even connect to any other games, in one i got in the team select page but the guy kicked me out.

what could be the problem?
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Will try again now.

PhilD123 added 2 Minutes and 58 Seconds later...

Just tried to accept your invite, and it came up with the same message.:(

Not sure what's causing it.:(

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